Hello All.

I have a code that looks something like this:

xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace amit = "http://www.amitgope.com/api/search-options";;
declare function load-common-constraints()
    <options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";>
        <!-- term options -->
            <empty apply="no-results" />

        <!-- search contraints -->
        <constraint name="doi">
                <element ns="http://www.google.com/app/meta"; name="DOI"/>
declare function load-unique-constraint()
<options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";>
        { *amit:load-common-constraints()/options/** }
        <operator name="sort">
            <state name="relevance">
            <state name="date">
                <sort-order direction="descending" type="xs:date"
                    <element ns="http://www.amit.com/app/meta"; name="Date"/>
        <operator name="JournalOnlineFirst">
            <state name="true">
        <!-- results options -->


        <!-- results transformation -->
        <transform-results apply="raw"/>


I want the end option to be like this:
"<options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";>
        <!-- term options -->
            <empty apply="no-results" />

        <!-- search contraints -->
        <constraint name="doi">
                <element ns="http://www.google.com/app/meta"; name="DOI"/>
<operator name="sort">
            <state name="relevance">
            <state name="date">
                <sort-order direction="descending" type="xs:date"
                    <element ns="http://www.amit.com/app/meta"; name="Date"/>
        <operator name="JournalOnlineFirst">
            <state name="true">
        <!-- results options -->


        <!-- results transformation -->
        <transform-results apply="raw"/>
What modifications do i need to make to my code so that i end up only havin
one option node and the calling of the first function only gives its child
nodes. This option i will pass on to the search api so that i can fetch the
results based on the different conditions.
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