
I have a problem with the search:search function and the result it gives me.
The problem shows when I for example searches for the word Polikliniskt in the 
following structure

<title>Mätning av blodtryck</title>
<para>Under normala fysiologiska förhållande föreligger stora variationer i 

The resulting path attribute in the matches element in search result  for 
Polikliniskt do not contains the title element only "//section/section". In 
other words the resulting path is "//section/section" instead of 

This behavior only occurs when the search term exactly matches the text within 
one element so if it's only one word i.e. title above or when quotes are used 
to indicate match exactly like "Mätning av blodtryck".

The search options can be found below for even more information.

  param $searchString (string) The query string
  param $paths (???)
  return (xml) The result

declare function medlib:getSearchResult($searchQueryString, $path) {
  let $options :=
    <options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";>
     (: <return-plan>true</return-plan>:)
        <empty apply="all-results"/>
      <transform-results apply="snippet">


  let $result := search:search($searchQueryString, $options)

  return $result

Erik Zander
Developer @
Studentlitteratur AB
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