Hey Ryan,

Thanks! I'm optimistic (no promises but it's on my todo list) to put out some 
specific materials (screencast likely) on the XQuery language updates.  They 
are awesome too :)


From: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com 
[general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] On Behalf Of Ryan Dew 
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 8:12 AM
To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] We Got Six

Looks like a great release! I noticed that there are also some less pronounced, 
but equally cool, updates which I've mentioned on my blog ( 
http://maxdewpoint.blogspot.com/2012/09/marklogic-60-released.html ). Is there 
a reason some of these updates aren't mentioned or perhaps I'm just missing 
where the updates were announced?

-Ryan Dew

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 7:07 AM, Eric Bloch 
<eric.bl...@marklogic.com<mailto:eric.bl...@marklogic.com>> wrote:
See http://developer.marklogic.com/blog/we-got-six

We Got Six

Today, we at MarkLogic are very proud to release MarkLogic 
6<http://developer.marklogic.com/products/marklogic-server/6.0>.  It's more 
powerful, more accessible, and trusted as ever.   Below are some highlights

New APIs!

We've created entire new REST<http://developer.marklogic.com/try/rest/index> 
and Java<http://developer.marklogic.com/try/java/index> APIs to make the 
awesome that is MarkLogic available to vast new communities of software 
developers.  These APIs enable developers familiar with Java or REST APIs to 
get going quickly, yet they are also full-featured.  Their rich functionality 
enables developers to build complete database and search applications.

Beyond the product documentation (guides and references) as well as new 
tutorials<http://developer.marklogic.com/learn> we've provided to get folks 
going, there is also a sample application built entirely via the MarkLogic Java 
API here<http://developer.marklogic.com/code/top-songs>.

Now with JSON

Along with these new APIs, you'll also find support for JSON<http://json.org/>. 
 The "data format of the web" is now easily stored, searched, queried, 
transformed, and analyzed directly in MarkLogic.

In-Database Analytic Functions and MapReduce

Performance is a constant focus here and this feature is all about that.  
MarkLogic 6 comes with a large set of analytic functions built on top of our 
internal mechanism for distributed processing (aka 
MapReduce<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MapReduce>) to provide high-performance 
calculations. Beyond these tools, for developers who need to push the envelope, 
we are also exposing the APIs as well as plugin interfaces to the MapReduce 
mechanism inside MarkLogic. Seriously. You can provide your own C/C++ functions 
for computing custom analytics that MarkLogic will run "close to your data".

BI Tools Inteface

You can hook up IBM Cognos<http://www-01.ibm.com/software/analytics/cognos/> or 
Tableau<http://www.tableausoftware.com/> to MarkLogic via a live connection for 
real-time reporting and analytic investigations. That in itself is cool. But 
the mechanism we're providing for this is... an ODBC driver. For now, the 
driver is only supported for use with Cognos and Tableau, but you can imagine 
what we're thinking here with this awesome first step. Yep, a SQL interface to 
a NoSQL database. Interesting.

UI Widgets

The MarkLogic Visualization 
Widgets<http://developer.marklogic.com/products/visualization-widgets> are a 
set of open-source-licensed HTML5 widgets for charts, graphs and maps that 
provide out-of-the box user interface connectivity to MarkLogic. We provide the 
widgets, of course, but we've also added them into Application Builder, so that 
you can, with a few quick keystrokes and clicks, build an advanced search 
application with these visualization tools.

Content Pump

With this new command-line tool<http://developer.marklogic.com/products/mlcp>, 
it's a snap to load content from an OS filesystem or Hadoops 
HDFS<http://hadoop.apache.org/index.html> to MarkLogic.  You can also just as 
easily export from MarkLogic to a filesystem or HDFS.  The tool also introduces 
a new platform-independent MarkLogic database archive format.


What about the docs<http://docs.marklogic.com/>?  Every developer knows how 
important good documenation is.

Since I took over the helm of 
http://developer.marklogic.com<http://developer.marklogic.com/> in 2010, there 
are two things I've wanted to improve in this area. One is to make it easier 
for folks to contribute  - and the other is to improve site search. Both of 
these are still works in progress, but as we launch MarkLogic 6, we've made 
real advances in these areas. In particular, we've integrated documentation 
browsing and search directly into the MarkLogic application that runs our site, 
enabling Disqus<http://www.disqus.com/> comments directly in our reference 
pages.  We now have excellent URLs for our docs, a reasonable HTML 
representation of our content, and integrated search and faceting. The feature 
list for the integrated docs.marklogic.com<http://docs.marklogic.com/> site 

    *   Product documentation is integrated seamlessly in the developer site. 
This includes MarkLogic 6 docs (as well as older versions for customers who've 
not yet upgraded)
    *   All the content is searchable via MarkLogic search (including search 
suggestions, facets and snippeted results)
    *   We have an interactive, filtering table-of-contents for our docs.
    *   The docs have "Smart" URLs for references, guides, and chapters. For 
example, the URL for a function is based on name of function (e.g. 
http://docs.marklogic.com/fn:doc is page for function named 'fn:doc')
    *   All reference pages are comment enabled for user interaction. Each 
reference page has a (moderated) Disqus comment area at the bottom - comments 
are stored at Disqus as well as in MarkLogic!
    *   We continue to offer printable versions and PDFs as well the online 
interactive version.
    *   And, of course, all of this is running on MarkLogic. (transform, data, 

There are a bunch of other super cool features including new Path indexes, 
additions to the XQuery search API, and more (see the full list of new 
features<http://docs.marklogic.com/6.0/guide/relnotes/chap1#chapter>). Also, if 
you're an old pro, please check out the release 
notes<http://docs.marklogic.com/guide/relnotes/chap4#chapter> for changes - 
there are a couple incompatibilities 6 has with previous releases.

We're very happy to release all of this goodness to you.  We got 
six<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCSRI4rzQwI> and we hope you enjoy it.

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