Trying is a good idea. I'll throw 
out some others, roughly in order of probability and difficulty. Stop whenever 
you achieve acceptable response times.

A full 20-30 sec of warmup sounds excessive to me. A large part of the problem 
is likely to be disk I/O and a rather slow disk subsystem. Monitor the OS to 
test this theory.

If disk I/O doesn't seem to be the culprit, come back with output from the 
profiler, from xdmp:query-meters, and from xdmp:query-trace before proceeding. 
The rest of my ideas assume that disk *is* the bottleneck, and likely won't 
help if it isn't.

Assuming disk I/O, check to see if the OS paging or swapping. If it needs more 
memory, fix that first. You might be able to tune MarkLogic to use less, but 
it's usually easier to upgrade the hardware.

If you can't find any evidence of paging, it's time to start tuning. You can 
try the database setting "preload mapped data". Also the evq(id=X) portion may 
not be in list-cache. You might address that with a range index on id, too. 
That way you can use cts:element-range-query(xs:QName("id"),'=',$id) instead of 
cts:element-value-query(), avoiding most list lookups.

If that still doesn't do it, consider upgrading the disk. Worst case, my guess 
is you are asking for about 3000 disk reads - but it could be significantly 
more or less, depending on configuration. So a faster disk might help, or this 
might be a good use-case for SSD.

Or you might paginate across the ids, as suggested. For example display the 
first 100 ids at a time. If the performance is acceptable, you're done.

Looking further, it would be nice to reduce the 500 trips through cts:sum and 
cts:element-values down to one trip. It seems to me that what you're after is 
really the co-occurrence of id and sum(valuation). That's tricky to get 
directly from the database, but here's an approach that might perform better in 
the case where you have relatively few valuations and relatively many ids.

    let $map := cts:element-value-co-occurrences(
         cts:element-range-query(xs:QName("id"), '=', 1 to 500))))
    for $id in map:keys($map)
    return element valuation-sum {
      attribute id { $id },
      sum(map:get($map, $id) ! (cts:frequency(.) * .)) }

That last bit uses the simple mapping operator, which only appears in ML6: - if you can't use 
ML6, substitute a nested FLWOR expression.

      sum(for $v in map:get($map, $id) return cts:frequency($v) * $v) }

Finally, with ML6 you might be able to move the summation into an aggregate 
user-defined function (UDF):

-- Mike

On 23 Oct 2012, at 22:20 , Abhishek53 S <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am having performance penalty (Average time 23-30 Sec for the first time 
> and less than 1 sec for next onward hit[which is accecpted]) with cts:sum 
> over one of the element stores valuation information
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> for $id in (1 to 500)
> return  cts:sum(cts:element-values(
>                                 xs:QName("valuation"),
>                                 (),
>                                (),
>                               cts:and-query((
> cts:element-value-query(xs:QName("id"),$id),
>                                    cts:collection-query("/project")
>                             ))
>                       )
>                     )
> Do we have any different way to over come performance overhead.
> Thanks
> Abhishek Srivastav
> I T Analyst
> Tata Consultancy Services
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