On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 07:05:05 -0800, Michael Sokolov <soko...@ifactory.com>  

> My guess is you may be seeing the effect of limited precision in the  
> score calculation, but I'm sure someone from MarkLogic will give you a  
> more confident answer :)
> -Mike

Yes, that's about it. Scoring in MarkLogic is calculated through
step functions scaled into integers, pre-computed in tables.
So everything in particular ranges of values will come out with
the same result. The other thing to note is that score calculations,
including document size normalization, involve logarithms.

Normalization is designed to differentiate a 1K document from a
100K document: you are working at the extreme low end of the scale,
and all values are winding up in the same place. The other thing
to keep in mind in testing this is the impact of the whole
corpus if you are using logtfidf: if these are the only two documents
in your database and they both have the target term, the IDF part of
scoring may be dominating.

If you do to Group>Default>Diagnostics in the admin UI, you can
enable some trace events that will show you the details of scoring
calculations in the log:
Relevance IDF
Relevance Quality
Relevance TF

Turn on all of those. It will be very chatty, so I would only run
this for small tests.


Principal Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation

> On 12/17/2012 9:56 AM, Arne Kampf wrote:
> Hi all,
> first of all: sorry if this is a RTM question, I scanned the documents  
> and didn't find any hint... I'm currently having trouble trying to get  
> search results ordered in the way I want them to be. I've looked at the  
> documentation in the search-dev-guide, explaining the different  
> calculation methods like logtfidf, logtf, ..., but didn’t find the  
> solution yet.
> I created a very small test containing two documents, and one search  
> command operating on one of the elements (see below). While the first  
> document contains "some more additional text" the second one contains  
> just the one word I'm searching for in the used element. I expected the  
> document with the "perfect match" to come first (the doc as well as the  
> element used for the search is "shorter", so I assumed the term  
> frequency would be different because it is defined as "normalized to  
> take into account the size of the document, so that a word that occurs  
> 10 times in a 100 word document will get a higher score than a word that  
> occurs 100 times in a 1,000 word document"). But the result shows that  
> both docs are ranked in the same way (score, confidence, and fitness),  
> so that the sorting is not as desired. The chosen calculation method  
> (logtfidf or logtf) influences the absolute values, but not the result  
> that both docs are treated as "equally meaningful". What I found out  
> during testing is that if the text in the element is “very large”  
> (tested with 200+ words), then the desired effect finally occurs, the  
> doc has a lower score. But in our case this does not really help, as the  
> text is a heading, normally containing only one or very few words…
> Could you please explain what I'm doing wrong, and/or how I'm able to  
> achieve the desired result? Perhaps it would be an idea to use  
> score-simple and then divide the returned score by the length of the  
> element - but this would make pagination obsolete, as I would have to  
> get all return values first in order to calculate "my own score", which  
> could have negative impact on the runtime (and please correct me if this  
> is wrong as well).
> Thanks in advance,
>                Arne Kampf
> ---------
> import module
>         namespace  
> search="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";<http://marklogic.com/appservices/search>
>         at "/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search.xqy";
> (: this should come second :)
> let $data1 :=
>     <data>
>         <myowntest>very very long text which is containing MyTestWord  
> only once, so not as relevant as if it is the only word (tested up to  
> 100 words)</myowntest>
>         <b>this has nothing to do with the element myowntest, so it  
> should be ignored</b>
>         <b>this has nothing to do with the element myowntest, so it  
> should be ignored</b>
>     </data>
> (: this should come first :)
> let $data2 :=
>     <data>
>         <myowntest>MyTestWord</myowntest>
>         <b>this has nothing to do with the element myowntest, so it  
> should be ignored</b>
>     </data>
> let $dummy :=  
> (xdmp:document-insert("/test/doc1",$data1),xdmp:document-insert("/test/doc2",$data2))
> let $options-for-search :=
>     <options  
> xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";<http://marklogic.com/appservices/search>>
>          <constraint name="testconstraint">
>             <word>
>                 <element ns="" name="myowntest"/>
>             </word>
>         </constraint>
>         <search-option>score-logtfidf</search-option>
>         <debug>true</debug>
>     </options>
> return search:search("testconstraint:mytestword", $options-for-search)
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