I believe this is because cts:uris is always unfiltered. You should get the
same result from cts:search result if you passed the 'unfiltered' option. I
believe you can get what you want if you set 'detail' as a fragment root.
You can read about fragment roots here:

I maybe wrong since I've never tested this sort of thing with cts:uris, but
someone smarter than me might be able to have a more certain answer.

-Ryan Dew

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Raghu <raghupathy.visweswa...@gmail.com>wrote:

> HI all,
> I have a parent - detail
> with two children -name , value
> I wrote an xquery to fetch the document with both name and value (should
> be siblings) with 'a' as value
> cts:search is working a s expected whereas cts:uris isn't
> Please find below the sample xquery
> Thanks in advance
> xdmp:document-insert("/1.xml",
> <root>
> <detail>
> <name>a</name>
> <value>a</value>
> </detail>
> <detail>
> <name>a</name>
> <value>b</value>
> </detail>
> </root>
> ),
> xdmp:document-insert("/2.xml",
> <root>
> <detail>
>  <name>a</name>
> <value>b</value>
> </detail>
> <detail>
> <name>b</name>
> <value>a</value>
> </detail>
> </root>
> ),
> xdmp:document-insert("/3.xml",
> <root>
>  <detail>
> <name>b</name>
> <value>b</value>
> </detail>
> <detail>
> <name>b</name>
> <value>b</value>
> </detail>
> </root>
> );
> (: both children of detail ‘name’ and ‘value’ should have ‘a’ as text
> content :)
> let $myquery :=  cts:element-query(xs:QName("detail"),
>                                   cts:and-query((
> cts:element-range-query(xs:QName("name"),"=","a"),
> cts:element-range-query(xs:QName("value"),"=","a")
>                                                 ))
>                             )
> return
> (
> "cts:uris/ cts:uri-match results:",
> cts:uris('',(),$myquery),
> "cts:search results:",
> cts:search(/root,$myquery)
> )
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