Charles – 

Adding the @method attribute doesn't seem to have any effect. Maybe defaulting to auto or digest when it's missing is an undocumented feature.

The way I understood xdmp:url-encode, it's supposed to be functionally similar to encode-for-uri but with prettier, more human-readible output. The W3C function is fine for our purposes, but I thought it was odd that xdmp:http-get didn't like the output of xdmp:url-encode.

It's not a show stopper, but if no one knows I can punt this to support and report back.


From: Charles Greer <>
Organization: MarkLogic Corporation
Reply-To: MarkLogic Discussion <>
Date: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:31 PM
To: MarkLogic Discussion <>
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Dynamically building a structured query

Hi Will,

I'm surprised that url-encode and encode-for-uri are different; maybe somebody more knowledgeable can explain that one.  All things equal, I'd prefer the w3c function that you found.

I'm assuming that 401 is a bit closer to the solution, not a different error -- are you missing a method attribute on http:authentication?  The default REST server requires method="digest"


On 02/21/2013 01:19 PM, Will Thompson wrote:
After some testing, it appears that xdmp:http-get doesn't like 
xdmp:xdmp:url-encode output, but it's okay with fn:encode-for-uri. The call is 
to a self-signed SSL appserver. This works:

let $rest-url :=
<options xmlns="xdmp:document-get" xmlns:http="xdmp:http">{
    element http:authentication {
      element http:username { 'user' },
      element http:password { 'pass' }
    } }

But swapping fn:encode-for-uri for xdmp:url-encode results in a 401 error:

<response xmlns="xdmp:http">
       <www-authenticate>Digest realm="public", qop="auth", 
   <rapi:error xmlns:rapi="">
     <rapi:status>Failed Auth</rapi:status>

I tested saving the output of both functions to a local file and using those 
strings to hit the endpoint from a browser, and they both worked. Is this a bug 
or something I likely don't understand about http-get and/or url-encode?


From: Charles Greer < <>>
Organization: MarkLogic Corporation
Reply-To: MarkLogic Discussion < 
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 4:24 PM
To: MarkLogic Discussion < 
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Dynamically building a structured query

Hi Will,

What's wrong with double quotes?

Are you looking to encode the whole shebang? How about



On 02/20/2013 04:06 PM, Will Thompson wrote:
> This is kind of a pedantic style-related question, but I am building a
> structured query and want to submit it to the REST values endpoint. However,
> that endpoint doesn't like double quotes, so I can't do something tidy like:
> concat($url, $path, "?options=uris&amp;structuredQuery=",
> xdmp:quote($structured-query-xml)) because xdmp:quote outputs double quotes for
> the namespace declaration. I tried POSTing the XML, but the values endpoint only
> accepts GET requests (?). I couldn't find an option to force xdmp:quote to
> serialize attributes using single quotes (maybe that’s not technically allowed?).
> Is there a better way to approach this, or is my best option to just replace the
> double quotes from xdmp:quote output?
> -Will
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Charles Greer
Senior Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 707 408 3277

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Charles Greer
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MarkLogic Corporation
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