The other issue that commonly causes sorting to look confusing is when you have 
multiple instances of an element in the same document.  Is there any 
possibility that this is the case with your data?
[] on behalf of Erik Hennum 
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 6:49 AM
To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] search:search and ordering by attribute on 
root element

Hi, Ryan:

cts:search() returns documents, so // will match the root element.

In my simple test, search:search() did sort on an attribute on the root element.

A few simple things to check -- is the div element in the XHTML namespace?  Is 
there a range index on the attribute in the same collation as the query?

Erik Hennum

[] on behalf of Ryan Dew 
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 3:02 PM
To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] search:search and ordering by attribute on 
root element

Hello everyone,

We have scenario where we are trying to sort on an attribute on the root 
element being returned. The simple use case is shown below. The div elements 
that we are returning have an order attribute.

let $options :=
    <options xmlns="";>
        <transform-results apply="raw"/>
        <sort-order type="xs:string" direction="ascending">
            <element ns="" name="div"/>
            <attribute ns="" name="order"/>

return search:search("faith",$options,1,10)

We don't get the results we would expect. After looking at the search:search 
code it appears that the root element isn't included in the XPath expression 
generated for the order by. It generates "$result//div/@order", but I would 
expect something like: "$result/descendant-or-self::div/@order". (Sorry if I'm 
digging more than I should.) Has anyone else encountered this problem and 
worked around it?

Ryan Dew
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