On Thu, 11 Jul 2013 14:10:02 -0700, Khan, Kashif <kashif.k...@hmhco.com> wrote:

> Thanks Greet I have made some head way after seeing your response. I just 
> save the file as transformaed.xhtml INSTEAD of transformed.html and it 
> started working. Below is the code that is now working in query console
> let $x := xdmp:xslt-invoke("/pipelines/HTML.xsl", 
> doc("/ancillary/20130626114719392MXENM08AAS2X_SE_080_03.xml"))
> return xdmp:document-insert('/ancillary/html/transformaed.xhtml', $x, 
> xdmp:default-permissions(), () )
> Now when I am integrating this approach in CPF I am back to the same problem 
> where all the html tags are getting stripped out. Below is the action file 
> for my pipeline. I have tried using xsl:output and it does not seem to help. 
> When I use xdmp:quote it starts throwing error.

The format of a document stored via xdmp:document-insert
is not determined by its URI, only by the content.
So if you give it XML, it is saved as XML; if you
give it text, it is saved as text.

What is your stylesheet producing? What output

So I would back up and verify that it isn't getting
saved correctly, because I suspect the issue is
how the content is being displayed. What you
describe looks like what a browser does when it
is given XML that it doesn't recognize as HTML.
QConsole has a lot of layers of interpretation
between you and the actual results, so it can
mislead you sometimes.

What does the raw text output show you?
What does xdmp:quote(doc("/ancillary/html/transformed.html"))
show you?

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