Hi All,

      I had several documents in one of my ML 7.x DB in a different
environment and I wanted to clear the DB excluding a few documents, So I'd
xqsync'ed it as a back up  to my localhost ML DB which is ML 6.x. Now when
I'm trying to sync them back to ML 7.x DB and I'm getting the folowing error

XDMP-SPECIALPROP- cannot update server maintained properties

I'm using document properties to additionally hold values other than
modified date and I want them to be retained while I sync them back to ML
7.x DB so I'm using COPY_PROPERTIES=true while syncing. I assumed that it
was backward compatible. Is this a privilege related issue? I see that
there is an open issue in github


Please let me know how to modify/retain the document properties. Is this
not supported anymore?
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