I think you may be running afoul of URI resolution.
Since the URI you are giving to doc-available is a relative
URI, it will be resolved relative to the static base URI, which
per XSLT is the URI of the stylesheet itself.


On Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:58:04 -0700, Erik Zander  
<erik.zan...@studentlitteratur.se> wrote:

> Hi All
> I’m working on an xslt transform where I’m extracting data about images  
> from a document and put
> that data into result document, It all works fine except for when the  
> same image occurs more than once as I then get conflicting uris,
> my code looks like this
> <xsl:template match="//db:informalfigure[descendant::db:imagedata and  
> @role='figure']">
>         <xsl:variable name="curImage"  
> select="substring-after(.//@fileref,'/')"/>
>         <xsl:variable name="id"  
> select="$imageMetaData//image[name=string-join(($curISBN,$curImage),'/')]/id"/>
>         <xsl:if  
> test="not(doc-available(string-join(('out/',$id,'.xml'),'')))">    
> <!--This check fails, am I doing it incorrectly or is it the way xslt  
> processes document that makes it hard to check if the id have been  
> encountered before?-->
>             <xsl:result-document method="xml" href="out/{$id}.xml"  
> indent="yes">
> Ideally I would like to be able to check if the result document have  
> been created or not and after that decide if I want to update it with  
> more information or just leave it be.
> Would appreciate any help on the subject
> Best regards
> Erik

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