Use xdmp:plan to see why your query was slow.

    xdmp:plan(/transaction/*[@transInfoRef eq "ti1"])

      <qry:term-query weight="0">

Notice how there's no mention of 'ti1' in the plan? That's because `*[@foo eq 
'bar']` isn't resolvable using the indexes.

Don't use '*'. Specify element names, like `/transaction/a[@b eq $value]` or 
`/transaction/(a|b|c)[@transInfoRef eq "ti1"]`.

-- Mike

On 21 Aug 2014, at 06:52 , irisDeveloper <> wrote:

> I split my 1GB xml file and stored in MarkLogic. I faced two issues 
> 1) it took huge amount of time in hrs. (used MLCP import)
> 2) After spliting and loading activity  My ML DB has 10,150,005 documents  
> and  has occupied 20GB of disk space.
> I fired the query again /transaction/*[@transInfoRef eq "ti1"] 
> query console gave time out exception.

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