
   I think that should be:

declare option xdmp:mapping "false";

   Rather than "update" to turn off function mapping.

   BTW: I'm one of those who think function mapping is awesome.  But yeah, if 
you're not careful it will trip you up big time.  Generally you're better off 
using the XQuery 3.0 mapping syntax these days if you're doing it intentionally.

Ron Hitchens {r...@overstory.co.uk}  +44 7879 358212

On Sep 26, 2014, at 1:08 PM, David Lee <david....@marklogic.com> wrote:

> Almost certainly this is due to "xdmp:mapping" being on
> https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/xquery/enhanced#id_55459
> https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/xquery/langoverview#id_45023
> For some this is an incredible feature.  For others its surprising and 
> difficult to debug .
> Its ON by default.
> In short, what it does is call functions that have an argument that can take 
> exactly 1 of something N times depending on the argument you pass
> so you don’t have to write for loops.  A side effect is that if N is 0 then 
> the function is never called.
> I recommend that until you understand and decide for yourself if this is 
> incredibly useful or too confusing to disable it.
> Add this line right under the version line in your XQuery files
> declare option xdmp:update "false";
> However, you do have another issue  ... you have declared your function to 
> take exactly 1 argument ...
> So when you turn this off, instead of not calling your function you will get 
> an error.
> You need to either change your function signature to allow the parameter to 
> be empty,
> or pass in a zero length string.
> It looks like your function is expecting "" instead of () -- which means that 
> your XPath is finding no text nodes
> let $sessionId := $node//sessionId/text()
> This use of text() is generally discouraged.   Unless you absolutely 
> positively know you need to use text(),  don’t.  Just don’t do it.
> Instead use string()
> let $sessionId :=   fn:string($node//sessionId)
> ( you can scan the archives of the various XQuery forums for a decade long 
> debate on this if your curious)
> Now this will give you an error if there is > 1 node with a seesionID element 
> ...  but your code is not setup to handle N nodes
> so that’s probably for the best.
> From: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com 
> [mailto:general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] On Behalf Of Kapoor, Pragya
> Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 7:01 AM
> To: general@developer.marklogic.com
> Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Passing empty value to function not working
> Hi,
> I need to pass an empty value to util function, which is not working.
> declare function xutils:validateSession($sessionId as xs:string) {
> if($sessionId ne "" ) then
>       let $document := fn:doc($config:USER_SESSIONS)
>      <errorCode>
>       <code>500</code>
>       <description>server error</description>
>       </errorCode>
>     else
>         <errorCode>
>       <code>517</code>
>       <description>Session Id can't be empty</description>
>       </errorCode>
>    };
> I am calling this function from some other file and it is returing an empty 
> sequence.But if I make this function local:validateSession($sessionId as 
> xs:string)  then its working.
> Calling file:
> import module namespace config = "config"
>     at "/rest-apis/utils/config.xqy";
>  let $node := '<inputString>
>                     <sessionId></sessionId>  
>                </inputString>'
> let $node := xdmp:unquote($node)
> let $sessionId := $node//sessionId/text()
> ​return
> let $validateFlag := xutils:validateSession($sessionId)
> return
> $validateFlag
> Please advice.
> Thanks
> Pragya
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