
     I have created bucketed contraint as below on a date tag and i have 
created range index for the same. All i could use is ':' operator on the 
constraint while doing search. Am not able to using any relational operators.

let $options := <options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";>
                  <constraint xmlns = "http://marklogic.com/appservices/search"; 
        <range type="xs:gYear" facet="true">
            <bucket lt="1930" ge="1920" name="1920s">1920s</bucket>
            <bucket lt="1940" ge="1930" name="1930s">1930s</bucket>
            <bucket lt="1950" ge="1940" name="1940s">1940s</bucket>
            <bucket lt="1960" ge="1950" name="1950s">1950s</bucket>
            <bucket lt="1970" ge="1960" name="1960s">1960s</bucket>
            <bucket lt="1980" ge="1970" name="1970s">1970s</bucket>
            <bucket lt="1990" ge="1980" name="1980s">1980s</bucket>
            <bucket lt="2000" ge="1990" name="1990s">1990s</bucket>
            <bucket ge="2000" name="2000s">2000s</bucket>
            <element ns="http://dtd.cambridge.org/2007/CBML"; 

for ex:

                search:search('date:1990s',$options) is working fine. But

                search:search('date lt 2000s',$options) or

                search:search('date lt 2000s AND gt 1980s',$options) e.t.c are 
not working at all.

 Please let me know the correct way of using relational operators in 


Diwakar N

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