Melkis Penyameen Sathak Jebarathinam <> writes:
> I already have XSD to validate all the elements but to validate a
> particular element's values, I am going for Schematron (for that
> element alone). So, the requirement is 
> To convert this Schematron (for that element alone) into XSD and then
> embed this XSD into original XSD (which is done for all elements)

It's not generally possible to convert Schematron rules into XSD. If
your element has known list of values, you can do that in XSD without
Schematron. You could even write a stylesheet to generate the XSD if
you wanted to, I suppose.

> (OR)
> To embed this Schematron (for that element alone) into original XSD
> (which is done for all elements) itself.

That's the part I think could be supported by the Schematron library,
but you'd still have to generate the XSLT and use it in tandem with
normal XSD validation. Putting them in the same file won't make them
validate at the same time.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 512 761 6676
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