1)      See #3

2)      Xdmp:node-insert and similar operate in-memory only, so themselves do 
not cause lock problems because they don’t write the document.  See #3

3)      Yes, to split up an XQuery program into separate transactions to avoid 
locking issues,
you can use one of the xdmp:eval* or xdmp:invoke* functions.
I encourage you to look at xdmp:invoke-function() as it doesn’t require a 
separately stored module (like xdmp:invoke) and it doesn’t have issues with 
escaping XQuery as strings and the associated risks
of XQuery injection (by mistake or intent).

Note: it’s not sufficient to run the update portion in a separate transaction 
if you have already run the query/search
in the main transaction – the read locks are already acquired, and running an 
update as a synchronous child transaction will block attempting to write to the 
same document searched (depending on the details of the query and update)
Like this
[ Main Transaction ]
   Results = Query   --> Creates Read Locks
   Apply [ Update ->  Waits on Read Locks ]   --> Potential deadlock
[ END Main transaction ]

To avoid this run *both* search and query as child transactions of an ‘auto’ 

Like this
[ Main transaction ]
   Results =  [ Query Transaction – Creates Read Locks – Query – End 
Transaction Releases Locks ]
   Apply [  Update Transaction – Creates Write lock on 1 doc – no blocking -  
Release Lock ]
[ END ]

This way the Query transaction has completed and released its locks before 
running the update.
The above example could run the Apply in the parent Transaction – but only very 
If the Apply uses an update method that the XQuery parser can detect on parsing 
it may upgrade the auto
Transaction to a Update transaction before the query occurs.

Note also that this is no longer an atomic operation – If your logic requires 
that the Update is synchronized,
( 2 parallel requests updating based on ‘stale’ information )
you may need to an additional check in the update to make sure the document 
being updated
has not changed since the query – This won’t cause any locking problems if you 
make the check and update
In the same transaction *for a single document*  -

Take a look at xdmp:invoke-function() for examples – XQuery 3.0 anonymous 
functions are really handy for this.

From: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com 
[mailto:general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] On Behalf Of RAVINDER MAAN
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2015 6:21 AM
To: general@developer.marklogic.com
Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Search and update

Hi all

I have a update job which search for documents matching criteria and then 
insert or delete a node in the matching docs. I know that if search and update 
is in same transaction it causes lock problems. So search return URI of the 
docs and in second request I do fn:doc and node insert or replace. Which seems 
to be working.  I have below questions

1. How other people are handling search and update ? Is there any other way?
2. Does the XPATH search and replace also cause locking problem? for example 
xdmp:node-replace(/root/old-node, $new-node)
3. Is it good idea to perform search and do the update in xdmp:eval with 
different-transaction ?

Thanks & regards,
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