Sounds like MarkLogic is not conforming to the spec then, as it clearly
applies language to attributes as well.

But who am I to complain, maybe it is an omission in the spec.. :)


On 6/25/15, 1:26 PM, "David Lee" <> wrote:

>>> I know the order of attributes has no semantic difference. I was
>>>merely suggesting it as an attempt to bypass the bug.
>I understand, and it definitely points to something being wrong or
>atleast suspicious.  I am suggesting that the test case itself is
>potentially in the 'not defined' camp - so the results being dependent on
>the attribute order may also be 'not defined' (although it helps locate
>where in the code this is affected).
>The docs are pretty clear that the xml:lang  affects the language of the
>*child text* of elements,
>All the samples give have no child text  - so this is not (documented as)
>in-scope with the xml:lang behavior.   This may be irrelevant - but it
>would be useful to see if the same behavior is reproducible using defined
>behavior - i.e. using child text and testing for the language to the text
>node as opposed to empty elements.

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