
  Just to make it clear, there is nothing wrong with using several
namespaces in the same document.  Namespaces have been invented to
differentiate names (by creating uniquely identified "spaces" for
them).  So their unit of application is element and attribute names,
rather than documents.

  Think for instance about embedding SVG and MathML elements in a
XHTML or XSL-FO document.  The namespaces will ensure that elements
with the (local) name "title" can be differentiated, by looking at
within what namespace they have been defined.


Florent Georges

On 21 July 2015 at 19:30, Asit Nautiyal wrote:
> Hi Raghu,
> Here you want to keep the text.xml as part of
> "http://somewhere.something.com"; namespace and want to make its child
> element (child) part to other namespace ""http://anywhere.anything.com"; ,
> correct me, if I am wrong!
> If this is the case then, you are making this xml file as ambiguous. In xml
> file , all child elements should belongs to same namespace as its root
> element, that's why we have concept of namespace.
> Regards,
> Asit Nautiyal
> ________________________________
> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 11:07:53 -0400
> From: raghupathy.visweswa...@gmail.com
> To: general@developer.marklogic.com
> CC: nagendran...@gmail.com
> Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Need to remove unused xml namespace prefix
> HI All,
> The following snippet gives me the unused namespace prefix (in this case
> ns), I need to ignore such unused namespace prefixes in the output
> Query
> declare namespace ns="http://somewhere.something.com";;
> xdmp:document-insert
> (
> "/text.xml",
> <ns:root>
> <child xmlns="http://anywhere.anything.com";></child>
> </ns:root>
> );
> doc("/text.xml")//*:child
> Result
> <child xmlns:ns="http://somewhere.something.com";
> xmlns="http://anywhere.anything.com"/>
> Thanks in advance!
> Raghu
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