
We've had problems in one of our production system that seem to be related
to logging.
Here are the relevant entries from our log. After an
XSLT-TEMPLCONFLICT error a C++ stacktrace follows, then half an our nothing
is logged at all and then a restart follows.

2015-11-12 10:37:39.014 Notice: XSLT-TEMPLCONFLICT (err:XTRE0540)
Conflicting templates found for node: fn:doc("")/section/para[4]/link
2015-11-12 10:37:39.014 Notice:  <xsl:template match="link[@info eq
"question"]" mode="#default"><xsl:if
test="fn:not(fn:exists(preceding-sibling::link[@info eq "question"]))
and fn:data(@idref) ne """> <xsl:element name="a"> <xsl:attribute
name="link"/> ()</xsl:attribute><xsl:attribute name="ui-sref"/>
<xsl:text>"main.learn.content({slug: '"</xsl:text><xsl:value-of
select="$currentSlug"/><xsl:text>"', '#': '"</xsl:text><xsl:value-of
Zum Lerntext"</xsl:text><xsl:element name="i">
()</xsl:element></xsl:element> ()</xsl:if> </xsl:template>
#  1 0x0000000141b31440 in _write() (write.c:87)
#  2 0x000000014195118e in svc::StandardFilebufRep::write() (filebuf.cpp:307)
#  3 0x0000000141950c3d in svc::Filebuf::sync() (filebuf.cpp:778)
#  4 0x0000000141977f6e in svc::FileLogImpl::log() (fileloghandler.cpp:363)
#  5 0x0000000141973f86 in svc::Logger::_log() (logger.cpp:176)
#  6 0x000000014149b33c in xdmp::Server::log() (server.cpp:5322)
#  7 0x000000014181551f in xdmp::applyTemplates() (xslt.cpp:3592)
#  8 0x00000001408d0ed9 in xdmp::ApplyTemplatesExpr::evalToTree()
#  9 0x00000001408a3782 in xdmp::ElementConstructor::evalToTree()
# 10 0x0000000140894c3a in xdmp::ExprSequence::evalToTree()
# 11 0x00000001408a3782 in xdmp::ElementConstructor::evalToTree()
# 12 0x000000014181568f in xdmp::applyTemplates() (xslt.cpp:3605)
# 13 0x00000001408d0ed9 in xdmp::ApplyTemplatesExpr::evalToTree()
# 14 0x00000001408a3782 in xdmp::ElementConstructor::evalToTree()
# 15 0x00000001408a3782 in xdmp::ElementConstructor::evalToTree()
# 16 0x000000014181568f in xdmp::applyTemplates() (xslt.cpp:3605)
# 17 0x0000000141809a4d in xdmp::applyDefaultTemplates() (xslt.cpp:3426)
# 18 0x000000014180a840 in xdmp::applyDefaultTemplates() (xslt.cpp:3540)
# 19 0x00000001418157b9 in xdmp::applyTemplates() (xslt.cpp:3655)
# 20 0x00000001408adcc6 in xdmp::XSLTModule::eval() (valueinference.cpp:10719)
# 21 0x00000001417e7ad7 in xdmp::Statement::_eval() (xqueryinterpreter.cpp:2135)
# 22 0x00000001417eb156 in xdmp::Statement::eval() (xqueryinterpreter.cpp:2009)
# 23 0x00000001417eb8b3 in xdmp::Program::eval() (xqueryinterpreter.cpp:862)
# 24 0x0000000140c8b4c9 in xdmp::evalProgram() (eval.cpp:1539)
# 25 0x0000000140c9b22a in xdmp::_doXSLTInvoke() (eval.cpp:4933)
# 26 0x0000000140c9b7f7 in xdmp::doXSLTInvoke() (eval.cpp:4957)
# 27 0x0000000140c9b9c1 in xdmp::xdmp_xslt_invoke() (eval.cpp:4992)
# 28 0x0000000140b4d7b5 in xdmp::FourArgBuiltinExpr::_eval() (builtin.cpp:2510)
# 29 0x0000000140b62b5b in xdmp::BuiltinEnv::doEval() (builtin.cpp:739)
# 30 0x0000000140b7632c in xdmp::Value::builtinArg() (builtin.cpp:751)
# 31 0x0000000140b7636b in xdmp::Value::builtinArg() (builtin.cpp:755)
# 32 0x0000000140b7636b in xdmp::Value::builtinArg() (builtin.cpp:755)
# 33 0x0000000140b760aa in xdmp::BuiltinEnv::eval() (builtin.cpp:696)
# 34 0x0000000140b79a32 in xdmp::BuiltinExpr::eval() (builtin.cpp:893)
# 35 0x00000001409c68dd in xdmp::StackFrame::StackFrame() (environment.cpp:5076)
# 36 0x00000001408a2105 in xdmp::FunctionCall::eval() (valueinference.cpp:6719)
# 37 0x00000001408cf1a5 in xdmp::ForEach::eval() (valueinference.cpp:12448)
# 38 0x00000001408cf1a5 in xdmp::ForEach::eval() (valueinference.cpp:12448)
# 39 0x00000001408a2263 in xdmp::FunctionCall::eval() (valueinference.cpp:6730)
# 40 0x0000000140bc9377 in xdmp::IfExpr::eval() (controlflow.cpp:1522)
# 41 0x00000001408a2263 in xdmp::FunctionCall::eval() (valueinference.cpp:6730)
# 42 0x0000000140bcfefe in xdmp::SwitchExpr::eval() (controlflow.cpp:973)
# 43 0x00000001408aba51 in xdmp::LetClause::flworEval()
# 44 0x00000001408abb83 in xdmp::LetClause::flworEval()
# 45 0x0000000140888fb8 in xdmp::FLWORExpr::evalTail() (valueinference.cpp:831)
# 46 0x0000000140883aea in xdmp::ExprSequence::evalTail()
# 47 0x000000014088d850 in xdmp::StatementExpr::eval()
# 48 0x00000001417e2bac in xdmp::MainModule::eval() (xqueryinterpreter.cpp:2263)
# 49 0x00000001417e7ab4 in xdmp::Statement::_eval() (xqueryinterpreter.cpp:2133)
# 50 0x00000001417eb156 in xdmp::Statement::eval() (xqueryinterpreter.cpp:2009)
# 51 0x00000001417eb8b3 in xdmp::Program::eval() (xqueryinterpreter.cpp:862)
# 52 0x0000000140f02d5e in xdmp::HTTPRequestTask::handleXDBCInvoke()
# 53 0x0000000140f07871 in xdmp::HTTPRequestTask::handleXDBCRequest()
# 54 0x000000014179a042 in xdmp::XDBCRequestTask::handleRequest()
# 55 0x000000014179b79f in xdmp::XDBCRequestTask::run() (xdbcserver.cpp:671)
# 56 0x0000000141967799 in svc::PooledThread::run() (threadpool.cpp:145)
# 57 0x000000014193cc04 in svc::Thread::top() (thread.cpp:354)
# 58 0x000000014193ce59 in runThread() (thread.cpp:391)
# 59 0x0000000141b20b9b in _callthreadstartex() (threadex.c:348)
# 60 0x0000000141b20c4f in _threadstartex() (threadex.c:326)
2015-11-13 11:09:09.327 Notice: Starting MarkLogic Server 8.0-3 amd64
in D:\MarkLogic with data in D:\MarkLogic\Data

The running requests of the XDBC server did not finish, so the maximum
number of threads was soon reached and then new requests were not accepted
any more.
Interestingly, the run time of the requests in the XDBC server status view
exceeded the configured time limit.

Do you have any idea about this error?


Andreas Hubmer
IT Consultant

EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH
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