This looks to me as a fundamental data model problem.  While it 'works' to some 
extent in JSON,
its often problematic to mix attribute *values* with field/element *names*.

As in this example

        "attributes": [


That data model is a difficult one to work with in any language.
A great deal of programming design patterns in many languages will have a hard 
time with this,
the most common being a mapping of JSON field names to program language 
variables names.

Do you have any ability to change the data model at its source ?
e.g. to use a fixed set of field names/keys  like

    "attributes" : [
              {   "name" :   "entities/0C4kKs7/attributes/CountryOfOrigin" ,
                  "updated" : "2016-02-02T12:49:49.539Z"
Then this could end in XML like

    <name> entities/0C4kKs7/attributes/CountryOfOrigin</name>
    <updated>: "2016-02-02T12:49:49.539Z"


( the latter is probably easier to work with )
It will need some configuration options set from

to guide the transformation of arrays to repeated elements and fields to 

This solves both the XML transformation problem and the next problem you will 
likely encounter -- how to use the data.


The alternative solution is to use the "basic" configuration (   json:config() 
) --
That can handle any JSON you give it and produce valid XML that will round trip 
What it won't do is give you XML that 'looks nice'

The "custom" strategy is better at controlling XML to JSON conversion then the 
The "basic" strategy is 100% round trip from JSON to XML  then back
The "full" strategy is the reverse. It is high fidelity (not quite 100%)  round 
trip form XML to JSON and back.

[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Custom JSON objects

Hi All,

                We are trying to convert json to xml. But some of our json key 
contains "/" character in it.
Due to which the transformation (json:transform-from-json()) is failing with 
invalid lexical.

Is there any other option to transform such json.

Is there any other method / custom code to do the transformation to resolve 
this issue.


XDMP-QNAMELEXFORM: fn:QName("", "entities/0C4kKs7/attributes/CountryOfOrigin") 
-- Invalid lexical form for Qname


import module namespace json=""; at 

let $custom := json:config("custom")

let $transform :=

"crosswalks": [
        "uri": "entities/0C4kKs7/crosswalks/1T5YWYSh",
        "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio",
        "value": "0C4kKs7",
        "reltioLoadDate": "2016-02-19T01:01:42.324Z",
        "createDate": "2016-02-02T12:48:43.627Z",
        "updateDate": "2016-02-02T12:48:43.627Z",
        "attributes": [

        "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {

', $custom)


Thanks & Regards,
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