Hi Erik,

Thank you.  Yes, that's exactly that.  I am wondering whether the doc
is correct or should be changed (it says the return type is `String`).


Florent Georges

On 26 March 2016 at 16:02, Erik Hennum wrote:
> Hi, Florent:
> To inspect the type of a returned object, you can call toString on the 
> prototype, as in:
>     Object.prototype.toString.call(xdmp.filesystemFile('/path/to/some.js'));
> which yields:
>     [object xs.string]
> So, an xs.string and not a JavaScript String or string literal, which you can 
> convert with valueOf():
> Object.prototype.toString.call(xdmp.filesystemFile('/path/to/some.js').valueOf());
> which yields:
>     [object String]
> Hoping that helps,
> Erik Hennum
> ________________________________________
> From: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com 
> [general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] on behalf of Florent Georges 
> [li...@fgeorges.org]
> Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2016 3:51 AM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Return of xdmp.filesystemFile() not a  
> proper string object?
> Hi,
> The documentation for xdmp.filesystemFile() (that is the JavaScript
> version of it, at https://docs.marklogic.com/xdmp.filesystemFile) says
> it returns a `String` object.  But it seems to be of a different type.
> I use the NPM package `yamljs`, so you can reproduce it, but I think
> the example shows clearly the difference without requiring knowledge
> of the package.  Given you have a file tmp.yaml (e.g. with the content
> "---\n  foo: bar") then the following code (with an absolute path for
> the YAML file):
> var yaml = require('./node_modules/yamljs/lib/Yaml.js');
> var src  = xdmp.filesystemFile('.../tmp.yaml');
> yaml.parse(src);
> gives the following error:
> JS-JAVASCRIPT: if (value.indexOf("\r") !== -1) { -- Error running
> JavaScript request: TypeError: undefined is not a function
> I assume that `value`, somewhere in the package code, comes from the
> parameter to yaml.parse() and is supposed to be a String object,
> containing a function `indexOf`.  Indeed, if I explicitly create a
> String object on the return value of `xdmp.filesystemFile()`, then it
> succeeds:
> var yaml = require('./node_modules/yamljs/lib/Yaml.js');
> var src  = xdmp.filesystemFile('.../tmp.yaml');
> yaml.parse(new String(src));
> The only conclusion I can reach is that the return value of
> `xdmp.filesystemFile()` is not a proper String object.  Did I miss
> anything?
> Regards,
> --
> Florent Georges
> http://fgeorges.org/
> http://h2oconsulting.be/
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