Yeah, and that list can be broken down almost infinitely. For example:

  *   faster to query data using exact match on multiple fields
  *   faster to query data using fuzzy match, wildcard match, date range match, 
  *   faster to query data joining five tables
  *   faster to query data with very large (or wide) records
  *   faster to query data with very large result set
  *   faster to query data using full-text search with phrase matching
  *   faster with all of the above in a single query

As I'm sure you know, there are may other ways to compare databases that might 
align better with tangible value:

  *   are there core features that would benefit the application and clearly 
differentiate the databases?
     *   search
        *   faceted search
        *   tunable relevance ranking
        *   fuzzy matching to de-duplicate customers across systems despite 
name misspellings
     *   schema flexibility
        *   since CRM benefits from integrating data from many sources
        *   since tradestore data formats change 
  *   is there any impedance mismatch between persistence data model and 
application data model?
  *   does the trade-store require any advanced server-side rules at index time 
/ query time?
     *   if so, are there features that will help implement those rules
  *   etc., etc.

Sam Mefford
Senior Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation<>
Cell: +1 801 706 9731<>

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On 5/18/2016 9:28 AM, Anthony Coates wrote:

Classification: Public

Hi.  I'm not allowed to make technology recommendations, and so I'm not going 
to recommend any particular database here.

However, historically many database vendors have been uncomfortable with people 
publishing benchmark comparisons, because the actual performance of a database 
often depends on exactly how you use it.  Sometimes you may be hitting the 
sweet spot of a particular database, sometimes you may not be, and the database 
that is faster for you might not be the database that is faster for someone 

There are also different ways to measure "faster":
* faster to store data
* faster to query data
* faster to develop/test/debug applications (i.e. "faster to market").

All of those can be important, but in different cases a different one may be 
the most important.  So, if you can define which area of database performance 
or use is the most critical one to be "faster" for your use case, it might be 
easier for you to make a clear statement about how your short-listed databases 
compare to each other for your own needs.

Cheers, Tony.

-----Original Message-----
 [] On Behalf Of Sebastien Vige
Sent: 18 May 2016 16:14
Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Banking - ml vs ms sql (or oracle) | 
performance story

We are battling with a dev team. We need to show them ML is faster than MSSQL.

In which user story (banking or other) can we reference / present a factual 
performance gain ?

This will help us to convince our prospect.

Our use cases are CRM web app fueled by ML as well as a mini tradestore.

Any input welcome !



Kind Regards


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