Hi Kari,

13 Mb isn’t really big actually, but big enough to perform less optimal, and 
cause timeouts. You could just increase the timeout, but it is probably a 
better idea to revise your strategy, and consider breaking your large file into 
record-like files (each containing just one firm for instance). You can then 
make much more use of the search capabilities of MarkLogic.


 on behalf of Kari Cowan <kco...@alm.com<mailto:kco...@alm.com>>
Reply-To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion 
Date: Monday, May 23, 2016 at 8:40 PM
To: "general@developer.marklogic.com<mailto:general@developer.marklogic.com>" 
Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] How to handle very large xml file to prevent 
com.marklogic.xcc.exceptions.XQueryException: Time limit exceeded

There must be a better way to do this.  My script works fine when it’s loading 
a document that is not very large, but occassionally one of the docs is massive 
(13Mb on one of my error issues), and when that happens, in my application I 
get an error like:
com.marklogic.xcc.exceptions.XQueryException: Time limit exceeded

The script is basically getting a uri, reading it back and comparing the 
‘firmname’ nodes (there can be many in the same document), and if it differs in 
the shortlist.xml, we change it to what that file says it should be.

The problem with my large file – there’s over 72,000 lawfirms it’s trying to 

This is my script – anyone have a suggestion of a better way to accomplish what 
I am attempting?

xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare namespace html = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";;

declare variable $uri as xs:string external;
let $uri := try { ($uri) } catch ($e) { "" }
(: let $uri:="/olympus/pacer-xml/9739715_3:15-cv-01221" :)

let $xml_doc:=fn:doc("/olympus/data-utils/standard_firmnames_shortlist.xml")

for $this_uri in "$uri"
let $doc := fn:doc($uri)
let $pacer_doc:=$doc

for $firms in $pacer_doc//(counsel|party)
  let $theOrigFirmname:= $firms/originalFirmname
  let $theFirmname:= $firms/firmname
  let $translation:= 

for $firm in $pacer_doc
return if( fn:exists($translation) and fn:exists($theFirmname) and 
($translation ne $theFirmname ) ) then
  fn:concat("CHANGING FIRMNAME: ",$theFirmname, " TO STANDARD FIRMNAME 
TRANSLATION: ",$translation, " IN URI: " ,$uri),
  xdmp:log(fn:concat("Olympotomus Changed Firmname: ",$theFirmname, " in URI: " 
else (
  fn:concat("...Evaluated and did not change Firmname: ",$theFirmname, " in 
URI: " ,$uri),
  xdmp:log(fn:concat("Olympotomus Evaluated and did not change a Firmname: 
",$theFirmname, " in URI: " ,$uri))

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