Thanks guys.  This is the information I needed.  I will pass along Mike's 
AWS references to the Ops people to see if we can optimize them (ELBs are a 
long-running bone of contention on this project).  And I’ll run CORB with the 
JVM setting for HTTP compatibility (insert grumble here about that not being 
the default).


> On Jul 1, 2016, at 4:56 PM, David Lee <> wrote:
> For ELB's on AWS there are different types of affinity
> Try using the Duration based stickiness -- that may help isolate the issue.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jason Hunter
> Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 11:21 AM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion <>
> Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] XCC (CORB) over Amazon ELB
> Hi Ron,
> Did you tell XCC to be HTTP compliant?  It's not by default.
> Enable HTTP 1.1 Compliance
> Enabling HTTP compliant mode guarantees the traffic between your XDBC App 
> Server and your XCC client is compliant with the HTTP 1.1 protocol. This 
> enables properly configured load balancers to detect the SessionID cookie 
> generated by MarkLogic Server and use it to enforce session affinity.
> To enable this mode for a Java application, set the xcc.httpcompliant system 
> property to true on the Java command line. For example:
> java -Dxcc.httpcompliant=true ...
> To enable this mode for a .NET application, set the xcc.httpcompliant 
> environment variable to True.
> Setting xcc.httpcompliant to true is incompatible with enabling content 
> entity resolution using ContentCreateOptions.setResolveEntities (Java) or the 
> ResolveEntities property (.NET).
> If xcc.httpcompliant is not set explicitly, xcc.httpcompliant is false.
> You must also configure your load balancer to use the value in the SessionID 
> cookie for session affinity. Some routers or load balancers may need to have 
> xcc.httpcompliant enabled to allow any traffic through, regardless of session 
> affinity issues.
> Configure the Load Balancer
> In addition to setting xcc.httpcompliant to true, you must configure your 
> load balancer to use the SessionID cookie generated by MarkLogic Server for 
> session affinity. You might also need to enable session affinity or sticky 
> sessions in your load balancer. The exact configuration steps depend on the 
> load balancer; see your load balancer documentation for details. 
> Your load balancer must be HTTP 1.1 compliant and support cookie-based 
> session affinity to use this feature of XCC.
> A SessionID cookie looks similar to the following:
> SessionID=25b877c32807aa9f
> -jh-
>> On Jul 1, 2016, at 10:10 PM, Ron Hitchens <> wrote:
>>  We’re having quite a bit of trouble with ELBs in AWS.  There is an ELB in 
>> front of the service/app nodes, and another ELB between them and the three 
>> node MarkLogic cluster.
>>  We’ve had problems with the ELB in front of ML marking nodes down if they 
>> are not responsive enough, which results in 504 responses on calls to ML 
>> after that.  We’ve had to crank up the timeouts to fairly high levels to 
>> avoid one slow query from causing subsequent queries to fail.
>>  That’s annoying but manageable.  What’s really problematic is apparent data 
>> corruption when using XCC, specifically CORB.
>>  For most calls to MarkLogic, we’re using our bespoke REST interface using 
>> URL rewriting on an HTTP appserver.  We don’t use XCC normally.  But we’re 
>> doing some one time batch reprocessing with CORB.  Pointing CORB at one of 
>> the E-nodes works fine.  But if we point it at the ELB (which works fine for 
>> the REST calls) then we randomly get failures like the one below.
>>  Since I originally wrote XCC, I know that this error message is the result 
>> of the data stream being out of sync with what XCC is expecting to see.  
>> It’s looking for a sub-header in the partitioned response that describes the 
>> XDM type of the next result item.  It’s seeing something else instead.
>>  Are there known issues with ELBs and XCC/XDBC and/or CORB?  Is there an ELB 
>> setting get around this?  I have a feeling that the ELB may be munging the 
>> response in some way that is tripping up XCC.
>>  Any help appreciated.
>> =======
>> INFO: monitoring 1,171,599 tasks
>> Jun 30, 2016 3:35:23 PM com.marklogic.developer.corb.Manager 
>> populateQueue
>> INFO: received first uri: 
>> 2016-06-30 15:35:23.454 SEVERE [1] ( 
>> IOException instantiating ResultItem 240: Nodes of type 'rsion' are 
>> not supported in XCC result sequences
>> Nodes of type 'rsion' are not supported in XCC result 
>> sequences
>> com.marklogic.xcc.impl.AbstractResultSequence.nodeFactory(
>> com.marklogic.xcc.impl.AbstractResultSequence.instantiateResultItem(
>>      com.marklogic.developer.corb.Manager.populateQueue(
>>      com.marklogic.developer.corb.Manager.main(
>> Jun 30, 2016 3:35:23 PM com.marklogic.developer.corb.Manager stop
>> INFO: cleaning up
>> Jun 30, 2016 3:35:23 PM com.marklogic.developer.corb.QueryUrisLoader 
>> close
>> INFO: closing uris session
>> Jun 30, 2016 3:35:23 PM com.marklogic.developer.corb.Monitor run
>> SEVERE: interrupted: exiting
>> java.lang.InterruptedException
>>      at 
>> java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.reportInterruptAfterWait(
>>      at 
>> java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.awaitNanos(
>>      at 
>> java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.poll(
>>      at 
>> java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService.poll(
>>      at com.marklogic.developer.corb.Monitor.monitorResults(
>>      at
>>      at
>> 2016-06-30 15:35:23.475 WARNING [10] 
>> (AbstractRequestController.runRequest): Cannot obtain connection: null 
>> java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException
>> java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end(
>> com.marklogic.xcc.impl.SocketPoolProvider.obtainConnection(
>> com.marklogic.xcc.impl.handlers.AbstractRequestController.runRequest(
>> com.marklogic.xcc.impl.SessionImpl.submitRequestInternal(
>>      com.marklogic.xcc.impl.SessionImpl.submitRequest(
>> com.marklogic.developer.corb.AbstractTask.invokeModule(
>>      java.util.concurrent.Executors$
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>> Jun 30, 2016 3:35:23 PM com.marklogic.developer.corb.AbstractTask 
>> handleRequestException
>> WARNING: Encountered ServerConnectionException from Marklogic Server. 
>> Retrying attempt 1 after 60 seconds..: null at URI: 
>> ---
>> Ron Hitchens {}  +44 7879 358212
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