[ My first trial using Marklogic 8 to load datasets. Pleas apologize any
stupid use of the mlcp command]

I've been trying to use the mlcp script to load RDF dataset, composed of
2091 nquads, representing a total of 727Mio triples.
I've used this command so far:

$ mlcp.sh import -username <myusername> -password <mypwd> -host localhost
-port 8000 -input_file_path /home/to/path/ -output_override_graph
http://mynamedgraph -mode local -input_file_type rdf

The error I got after 3205 sec is the following: "XDMP-FORESTERR: Error in
merge of forest Documents: SVC-FILWRT: File write error: write
'/var/opt/MarkLogic/Forests/Documents/00000101/TreeData': No space left on
device" (details here [1]) .
However I still do have enough space in my disk (28G left).

What is strange in the command is that I don't see where to pass the
dataset name.

Please, what Am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

[1] https://goo.gl/1dL6UC
Ghislain A. Atemezing, Ph.D
R&D Engineer
@ Mondeca, Paris, France
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