Hi Geert,
Many thanks for your input. I don’t understand well the first approach. Could 
you tell me how I can add the database to query in my Curl example? 
Also, I’ve tried to follow the second recommendation. See below the steps. 
$ cat config.xml
<rest-api xmlns="http://marklogic.com/rest-api";>

# curl to create

$ curl -X POST --anyauth --user user:pwd -d @"./config.xml" \
    -H "Content-type: application/xml" \
    http://localhost:8002/LATEST/rest-apis After creating the rest-api in a 
t port, using the existing database, I still get the same error. 

Could you please tell me more details on how to solve this issue?
 I really need it to make some analysis on users queries.


> Le 17 mars 2017 à 19:43, Geert Josten <geert.jos...@marklogic.com> a écrit :
> Hi Ghislain,
> You probably want to add a database parameter, pointing to the content 
> database you’d like to query. Or use a rest-api instance linked to that 
> content database directly, running on a different port. App-services (which 
> runs on 8000) is linked to the Documents database, which out of the box does 
> not have triple index enabled.
> Kind regards,
> Geert
> From: <general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com 
> <mailto:general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com>> on behalf of Ghislain 
> Atemezing-Pro <ghislain.atemez...@mondeca.com 
> <mailto:ghislain.atemez...@mondeca.com>>
> Reply-To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion <general@developer.marklogic.com 
> <mailto:general@developer.marklogic.com>>
> Date: Friday, March 17, 2017 at 6:39 PM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion <general@developer.marklogic.com 
> <mailto:general@developer.marklogic.com>>
> Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Error 500 when queryinq with Curl
> Hi all?
> I am trying to run a SPARQL query using Curl in my endpoint. 
> I am doing the following:
> curl --anyauth -u user:password -H "Content-type: application/sparql-query" 
> -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+xml" --data-binary '@./q1.rq' 
> http://localhost:8000/v1/graphs/sparql 
> <http://localhost:8000/v1/graphs/sparql>
> But I receive back a 500 errors as described below:
> <error-response xmlns="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/error 
> <http://marklogic.com/xdmp/error>">
>   <status-code>500</status-code>
>   <status>Internal Server Error</status>
>   <message-code>INTERNAL ERROR</message-code>
> xdmp:security-assert("http://marklogic.com/xdmp/privileges/rest-reader 
> <http://marklogic.com/xdmp/privileges/rest-reader>", "execute"), let $rule := 
> conf:get-sparql-protocol-rule() let $params := rest:process-request($rule) 
> let $headers := eput:get-request-headers() let $method := 
> eput:get-request-method($headers) let $env := map:map() let $params := 
> local:validate-params($rule, $env, $params) let $body := switch ($method) 
> case "GET" return text { fn:head((map:get($params, "query"), map:get($params, 
> "update"))) } case "POST" return 
> xdmp:get-request-body(eput:get-content-format($headers, $params))/node() 
> default return fn:error((), "REST-UNSUPPORTEDMETHOD", $method) let $result := 
> semmod:sparql-query($headers, $params, $body) let $response := if ($result 
> instance of xs:string and $result = ("EMPTY-CONSTRUCT", "EMPTY-DESCRIBE")) 
> then semmod:empty-construct($headers, $params, local:sparql-callback#2) else 
> if ($result instance of xs:string and $result eq "EMPTY-SELECT") then 
> semmod:empty-select($headers, $params, local:sparql-callback#2) else 
> semmod:results-payload($headers, $params, $result, local:sparql-callback#2) 
> return if ($response instance of node() and 
> $response/self::semmod:malformed-query) then (xdmp:set-response-code(400, 
> "Malformed Query"), $response) else $response -- Triple index not enabled . 
> See the MarkLogic server error log for further detail.</message>
> </error-response>
> The same query works just fine in the qconsole interface. 
> What Am I missing here?
> Thanks for any help or pointer.
> Best,
> Ghislain
> -- 
> --------------------------------------------
> Ghislain A. Atemezing, Ph.D 
> R&D Engineer
> @ Mondeca, Paris, France
> Labs: http://labs.mondeca.com <http://labs.mondeca.com/> 
> Tel: +33 (0)1 4111 3034
> Web: www.mondeca.com <http://www.mondeca.com/>
> Twitter: @gatemezing
> About Me: http://atemezing.org <http://atemezing.org/> 
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Ghislain A. Atemezing, Ph.D 
R&D Engineer SemWeb
@ Mondeca, Paris, France
Labs: http://labs.mondeca.com <http://labs.mondeca.com/> 
Tel: +33 (0)1 4111 3034
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Twitter: @gatemezing
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