To David(x2)

>>> ".  if you look at the sc:* functions you can parse to get to schema.
And then using a few functions to build out the structure you need create a
function that does the transformation for you. "
>>>I did investigate this approach but it was not feasible in the context
of the use cases where json:transform-xxx is targeted.
>>> It may well be in individual cases, but doesn?t pan out so well for a
general-purpose library

Not sure I agree, but would be interested in what area's you felt the sc:
functions are deficient.  There are a few issues with some functions, but
given I am not a customer I cant make requests to fix.

>>>In general-- to do a schema based transformation -- you need schema for
*both sides*
>>>If you don?t care about deterministic transformations or bi-directional
transformations, you can make do with less.

In most cases you are trying to convert format not definition such as
XML->JSON or XML(Schema) -> CSV.  In XML->JSON there can be general rules
and some assumption of lossiness, but since the ask is XML(Most Complex) ->
JSON(Simpler) this precision can be resolved by making some assumptions on
how to treat mixed or other types.  Not a panacea, but dont let perfection
be the enemy of the good.

>>the 'sc:*' functions mentioned expose the results of  schema validation,
not the schema itself.

>>That?s a subtle problem that makes them not as useful in this case as one
might think.

>>The sc:* functions operate on *instances* of XML data.  Post schema

>>You can't use them to query a schema document in the sense desired.

>>They are a Reflection API into instances of validated documents,
expressed as schema attributes/axis on the node.

>>They are not a reflection API into the schema document itself.

I wouldnt recommend to anyone anything I didnt already figure out myself.
Your assumption is correct if you ask for a schema without knowledge of the
document its targeting, but considering you have a target document in
mind(which is always the case) this will return the initial schema:

sc:type($my-element-node-matching-schema) ! <x>{.}</x>/node()

>From here its knowing how to manipulate the sc:* functions to bend to your

>>Even that has problems -- most JSON parsers use 64 bit doubles to
represent Number -- >>which means any integer > 52 bits get  corrupted.  ML
data types use 64 bit unsinged >>integers extensively -

Given that you have that issue I recommend using 2 32 bit values and using
the appropriate conversion on client.  Since you have the XML schema you
already can account for that.

>>xs:date, dateTime, duration -- majority of xsd primates -- no standard
JSON representation.

No question, but its not impossible to create a json schema from XML Schema
assuming some loss of precision, the goal is to not naively assume a
panacea (no argument here), but use the knowledge of your XML schema to
make general rules about how to process. Using JSON Schema you can assume
its a string with the notion of a format

>>There is still a challenge -- even in theory.
>>Produce a single transform that is valid, lossless *and* universally

Not sure that was his ask but dont disagree with you.  Have you considered
"Middle-Out" transformation or the effect of MJT?
... dont answer this

>>The last part -- that?s the fun part.   Figure how to determine what is
'desirable' -- universally.
>>Then implement it simply.   Produce what is desired, not what is asked
>>Make People Happy.

Not trying to solve universal problems, just try to steer one to a path of
happiness or frustration.

>>Very interested in how to achieve that better.

David, given you are an engineer for MarkLogic I realize you are obliged to
give the sanctioned answer from ML, but you need to consider that not
everyone needs the universal nor supported answer, but know what is
possible.  I think you did a good job describing the pitfalls and
challenges, none that I have not faced already and griped about heavily
(not ML's problem just as you said not solved anywhere).  There are
trade-offs and "good enough"s that satisfy the requirements.  Impedance
mismatch is a problem everyone should understand for sure.  But often there
are means by which one can solve 90% with 10% effort, that is the balance
we all strive for.

To the Steiner,

I have written this code somewhere and lost it during my latest laptop
migration. But I will share an example I have used today for a project
which should give you a sense of what sc:* can do for you and will rewrite
project as git repo at ... So
stay tuned.

In the example it simply enumerates your schema based on the sc:type of a
given document element and creates a search:options node you can pass into

Here are some things I will share soon:
 - XML Schema to JSON Document Conversion
- XML Schema to JSON Schema generation.
- XML Schema to Partial Update with customized ordering semantics.
Generates a builder function map that allows dependency injection of
recursive typeswitch.
- Any other reasonable requests.


Gary Vidal

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