Thank you all!
  On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 22:11, Geert Josten<> wrote: 
  Hi Richard,
It is usually easiest to build up a few layers of roles. Most flexibility is 
gained when you create separate read and update roles for each group of 
documents to which you want to control access separately. You can then use role 
inheritance to give a user or usergroup-specific role access to particular 
groups of documents. You could also create one that has access to all.
To save on cross-products of roles, I’d also advice looking into compartment 
security. That allows restricting access to combinations of roles, bit like AND 
(compartments) versus OR (default behavior)..
From: <> on behalf of Shmennen 
Reply-To: "" <>, MarkLogic Developer 
Discussion <>
Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 9:57 PM
To: Rob Szkutak <>, MarkLogic Developer Discussion 
Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Document access based on field value

Thanks, it looks good!
Btw, another question, may be not related: is there any way to assign some 
capabilities (e.g. insert, update, execute) to an user who can access all docs, 
no matter what roles and privileges they have in db? E.g. some power user to 
have access (read/write) to all docs, independent of users they were inserted, 
but to not be admin.
RegardsRichard W.

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 19:20, Rob Szkutak<> 
wrote:#yiv9954050599 -- P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}#yiv9954050599 

One solution to implement this is to use amplified functions (amps).

The basic idea is this:

* Restrict the document so that the user cannot read or update it. 

* Create a function which the user must use to read or update the document. 

* Amplify the function so that the user can read or modify the document only 
within your function.

* Have your function perform the validation check and either perform the 
desired document operation or return the appropriate invalid document response 
to the user.

Another solution is that every time a document is inserted or updated, you 
could perform a check if the document is valid or not and assign the 
appropriate role to it when the document is placed into the database. 

Something like : 

let $valid := true or false


 xdmp:document-insert("uri", $document, if($valid) then xdmp:permission("user 
can read") else xdmp:permission("user cannot read"))

If required you may also combine these two techniques.

Hope this is helpful.



Rob SzkutakSenior ConsultantMarkLogic 
<> on behalf of Shmennen 
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 10:54:40 AM
To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Document access based on field value Hello All,
   Is there any possibility to get access to a document (suppose an XML or 
JSON) from database only if the value of a tag has a specific values?
E.g. user1can read/modify document if only checktag has value "VALID". <data>   
- Richard
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