> Spare the beer for a hot summer day... Try to provide a little bit more
> guidance, because I think that most people here (except LSD) are pretty
> scared of Gump.

I don't think a Gump descriptor is any more complex than an ant build
script, or a Maven project file, and it is documented (if imperfectly,
http://gump.apache.org/metadata/index.html) -- but I think it is something
so infrequently visited that folks don't understand it. Maybe somebody
creates it, it works faultlessly for eons [only nagging occasionally], and
then when it breaks perhaps the author is unavailable. Folks don't touch it
every day, in order to get used to it.

What has occur (to me) out of this is the need more annotations in Gump
descriptors, and (I'd like to add) a page per descriptor where Gump
annotates the descriptor it has. I.e. lot of "this was set in this project
therefore (based on doc reference blah) this will occur...".

Gumpy is a lot more transparent than it was, but needs to be even more
transparent to appeal to the general community.



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