Date: 2004-03-12T05:18:59
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Gump Wiki
   Page: Drafts/ProjectBylaws

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -26,10 +26,16 @@
 I (Stefan) am personally quite happy with the Ant bylaws and would likely use them as 
a starting point for Gump's bylaws.  The only section that I'd adapt is the one about 
committers.  The Ant bylaws have lax rules about votes (just do it, no formal 
definitions of procedures) and I like that YMMV.
+    ''yeah, JFDI has served gump well. I'm fine with adopting the ant bylaws, sure. 
Seem to be similar to other docs :-D'' -- LSD
 The other points I see as cultural differences between different projects are
   * how do you become a PMC member?  Cocoon -> just ask.  Ant and most others -> you 
get elected by the existing PMC.  I could live with either.
+    ''I'll suggest that a PMC vote is a good idea, and that "either" is actually a 
good plan. People can ask and then the PMC can vote. Or the PMC can ask and vote and 
people can then accept.'' -- LSD
   * where do votes happen.  This is not formally defined in most bylaws.  The real 
question is where to vote on people.  Jakarta based projects have the tradition to 
even perform this type of votes in public, while the very idea of public votes on 
people is alien to most people from a http background.  Since we want to invite 
participation from the whole of the ASF I'd suggest to restrict votes on people, as 
far as we actually need any, to the PMC list.
+    ''agreed.'' -- LSD
 == Actual Draft ==

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