> OK, it looks like there may be a new ASF hosted machine or two running
> gump in the next 24 or so hours.  Which gump should be run on it?

Which? As in traditioanl verse Python? I think concensus has been Python for
a while.

We have a README in /usr/local/gump on moof, ought I post it here for folks?
I can't get there this mo, and my eyebrowse search isn't bringing up when I
posted it before. It has the steps involved.

> I'm willing to take the lead in getting it up and running, or simply
> suggest it be turned over to somebody who wishes to volunteer.  Once it
> is up and running, it is my intent that this be a public resource Gump
> participants.

I will be online (from a hotel, after workout/dinner) tonight (PST time) and
able to help. I do think we ought use the shared 'gump' account we've been
discussing, that'd be good for a common place for the cronjob, etc.



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