Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

Ok, so FOG as successes/(failures+prereqs) hasn't been a huge hit w/ folks,
but what about:


This is really (if my math memory is ok) 'odds of a successful build, based
off history' -- I think. This is far more valuable as a FOG Factor, because
it is something bounded (0 to 1) and something we can do math with.

I think 'likelihood of success' is good to know, but also if you combine it
with 'likelihood of dependent success' (a multiplication of all direct
dependencies) one gets a comparison of how precariously something sits on
it's stack, and how much it contributes to success or failure.


I feel there is good information in there. We ought know (mathematically)
that Forrest or Maven don't have a snowballs chance in heck of building, and
it isn't their doing. We ought know what odds we are facing at a certain

It will be nice to have number to show this,
so we consider alternatives to our current first fail pattern.


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