> >     http://wiki.apache.org/gump/FrontPage
> The exact same thing was done to the Jakarta wiki. ;-(

Yup, I think I read about that here (or another case).

> I've restored the previous page content. Locking it down is probably a
> matter of making the file(s) non-writable, which I believe would need to
> done by someone in either the gump or apsite group. (I'm not exactly sure
> who the file owners are, and am not logged on right now.)

Thanks for restoring it.

I don't know if I have access (just tried, did work, probably user error)
but  since this is clearly occuring a lot we probably need an ASF-wide (or
wikifarm-wide) solution. Since I assume we don't have to worry the previous
content will go to far missing, I guess we can wait until we get more
permanent fix.



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