ajack       2004/05/24 15:33:09

  Added:       blog/SuccessStories Log4J-CL-EL-JV.txt
  The recent log4j effect ... 


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    Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
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  Recently <A HREF="http://logging.apache.org/log4j/";>log4j</A> remover some 
deprecated classes/methods. This after years of deprecation, seemed ike it ought be 
trivial. This is what transpired...
  First, the next Gump run detected that <A 
HREF="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/";>Commons Logging</A>, 
  <A HREF="http://avalon.apache.org/excalibur/";>Excalibur Logger</A>, 
  and <A HREF="http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/index.html";>Jakarta Velocity</A>
  were using API classes/methods that log4j considered deprecated. 
  This 'took down' (stopped Gump run coverage to) roughly 250 dependee projects, a 
significant percentage of Gumpage.
  <B>Things seemed straight-forward enough, the features had been clearly deprecated 
for two years, it was time to change them. So, update...</B>
  Unfortunately, the [GUMP] prefix didn't match the [logging] prefix that the 
commons-dev list requests, so failed filters sat un-noticed for a while.
  When enough (impatient) noise had been made, the situation was investigated & things 
were not so simple. 
  <P>These issues took almost two weeks to resolve, some time lost, but much well 
spent on analysis/discussion/communication. Discussions occured on the commons, 
logging, avalon and velocity and gump lists, and ought be archived there. (This 
distribution might explain
  some of the mis-communication that led to some time lag.)
  <P>For each of the three projects directly affected...</P>
  <B>Avalon<B>: Some things deprecated had not been marked as such, so they were 
immediately restored by log4j. This helped restore Avalon. What was noticed here
  was that Gump pages obscured the build log (somewhat backwards since that is likely 
the key information) so a fix was attempted,
  moving that nearer to the top of the page.
  <B>Commons Logging</B>: There was no runtime compatible solution that could benefit 
from the two years of deprecation overlap that log4j had intended. A
  few <A HREF="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons";>"commoners"</A> found this. A few 
solutions were discussed, until log4j found an acceptible one, that
  commons-logging agreed would be zero impact. Commons-Logging coded to this new 
solution, allowing a wide range of compatibility.
  <B>Note:</B> Deprecation had been turned off in these builds, and some log4j 
deprecated things had not been marked deprecated. Deprecation warnings verbose,
  it'd be nice if 'official' builds could have them on, but day to day builds off.
  <B>Jakarta Velocity</B>: 
  These folks had it easiest, changing one word from Priority to Level, but still the 
communications process could've been improved, and
  feedback was taken.
  <B>SUMMARY:</B> Deprecating classes is non-trival with Java (especially when trying 
to maintain them for years, and use sub-classing as aliasing). 
  Deprecation <B>'overlap windows'<B> -- where a fix gets to be backwards compatible 
w/ a decent (most likely found) sub-set of previous releases -- are a
  key aid. Managing these is invaluable. Deprecation only works when people work 
together and communicate. We still have some work to do to improve our
  group understanding/knowledge of <A 
numbering</A> and what contracts we
  are making with them on each release.
  <B>This work saved users of 250 projects from a little (perhaps big) bit of Jar 
Hell!</B> That is awesome work that will go largely unrecognized, but is still 
invaluable. Thanks to all involved...

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