Stefan Bodewig wrote:

Hi all,

two notes colored by my complete lack of Maven knowledge:

(1) The descriptor of commons-compress sets a property named
component.version and hopes to get this into the jar name, which
obviously doesn't work that way.  Maven still uses
/project/currentVersion from the POM.

I've adapted the descriptor to match the name we actually see just to
get a successful build in Gump, but I'd prefer a way that allows us to
get dated jar names via Maven.  Probably we are just using the wrong
property name or something like that.

(2) The <work> entry inside the descriptor pointed to nowhere and
there is no <work> entry for the generated test classes, still the
test goal manages to load the freshly compiled test classes.

This means that we are not getting the effect of
build.sysclasspath=only in Maven builds.  The jar overrides will catch
the artifacts Gump knows about but Maven will happily let the goals
(plugins, tasks, I don't know the correct terms) add more stuff to the
classpath itself.

For things like <work> directories for compiled classes this probably
is good, but it may also lead to situations where Gump doesn't manage
to substitute a jar from CVS with a freshly compiled one.

Have been thinking about this issue for about a week and a bit.

My conclusion is that the maven scenario is very similar to the magic scenario. To do real integration you need to be able do to something like set some special property so that magic or maven can take control over classloader definition in the knowledge that the build is a gump build (i.e. effects the repository cache that is used and the semantics concerning artifact handling). That means providing the current cache of artifact that have been generated so that magic or maven can map dependency reference to artifact in gumps cache.



| Magic by Merlin                       |
| Production by Avalon                  |
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