On Sat, 03 Jul 2004, Stephen McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In the usage I envisage, I would be generating something like 15-20
> modules to cover the avalon suite. Each module would reference the
> same svn address.  Is that an issue?

No technical issue apart from wasted disk space.

> Secondly, is it ok to have module names that contain the "/"
> character (e.g. "avalon/composition")?

We've never tried it and we do generate page names with the module
names in it, which may become problematic.

> Alternatively, what is the feasibility of extending module to
> support something like:
>     <module>
>       <group name="avalon">
>         <group name="composition">
>            <project name="avalon-composition-api"/>
>            <project name="avalon-composition-spi"/>
>            <project name="avalon-composition-impl"/>
>             ....
>         </group>
>       <group/>
>       ...
>     </module>

What would the groups mean to Gump?

The module itself really doesn't do much more than denoting the SCM
location.  Gump's view of the world is rather flat, projects are the
really important entities.


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