> [Not _entirely_ valid - the link at the end of  "A list of some of the
> packages you might want to install can be found here."  points to
> http://cvs.apache.org/builds/gump/latest/packages.html which does not seem
> to exist...]

JIRA it, if you get time, please. Otherwise I'll try to remember it from
this mail and fix.

>  >     cd $GUMP/python
> >     export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
> >     python gump/preview.py -w ../minimal-workspace.xml ant (perhaps
> > with --verbose)
> I've tried this, and I get the following errors:
> $ python gump/build.py -w ../minimal-workspace.xml ant
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "gump/build.py", line 33, in ?
>     import gump.core.options
> ImportError: No module named options

CVS says it is there (although in my local copy I've moved it, just not
commit.) Could you redo a CVS update?


BTW: One thing I often do after a CVS update is "find gump/python -name
'*.pyc' -exec rm {} \; -print" 'cos sometimes it is needed (after a
significant refactor). Basically, w/o that, old compiled code can be left
lying around. Python can't detect it, to clean it up, 'cos it doesn't look
for a *.py if it finds a *.pyc (it seems.)

> $ python gump/preview.py -w ../minimal-workspace.xml ant
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "gump/preview.py", line 36, in ?
>     from gump.core.gumpset import GumpSet
> ImportError: No module named gumpset


As above, please (1) do another CVS update (2) wipe *.pyc.

> > Also, the BrutusConfig page is probably a great (very detailed) walk
> through
> > if you need to set up everything from scratch -- although I'd need to
> double
> > check the 'check.py' script, right now, (since it might need a tweak.)
> >
> >     http://wiki.apache.org/gump/BrutusConfig
> >
> > Please let us have your feedback as you make progress.
> Also tried the Brutus page, and got this error:
> $ python gump/check.py -w ../ST999999.xml all --debug
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "gump/check.py", line 29, in ?
>     from gump import log
> ImportError: No module named gump

Now this I don't get.

> Any ideas on what is missing?
> Or is it just not possible on WinXP + Cygwin?

I think yes on WinXP, maybe (although not sure needed/supported w/ Cygwin).
I don't think any of these are related to that.

> I've not yet tried installing any packages, as I could not work out how to
> do this - unless all one has to do is copy the jars into the appropriate
> directory?

That is all (if you include clicking on the license agreement, etc. to get
them). It is 'all', but w/ the many we have (for a complete gump) it is a



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