On Fri, 20 Aug 2004, Michael Glavassevich wrote:

I'm going to guess this has in part to do with the version of Ant that
Gump is using to compile Xerces.  Xerces uses its own Javac task [1] so
that it compiles smoothly on JDK 1.4. This code isn't aware of JDK 1.5
(yet) nor is the version of Ant which is distributed among Xerces' build


Interesting. Just for the purposes of communication, the Ant that Gump run is called with build.sysclasspath=only, so really ought override any 'twiddling' that a task attempts. I can't gaurantee this (hence I'll CC the Gump list), but I'd bet heavily on it. In short, Gump pretty much overrides (with Ant's colaboration) local settings with it's settings. [See: http://ant.apache.org/manual/sysclasspath.html]

That said, there definately seems to be some classes not being found, that are found 
when on JDK1.4 w/ exactly the same Gump. So .. something odd is happening...



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