Date: 2004-09-07T07:40:01
   Editor: StefanBodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Gump Wiki
   Page: Drafts/BoardReports/20040818

   Note NKBs PMC status change

Change Log:

@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
 After some discussion on [EMAIL PROTECTED] regarding the need for PMC oversight of 
mailing lists, the Gump PMC voted to sponsor [EMAIL PROTECTED] The intent is to 
discuss "Python w.r.t ASF", and allow the various Python projects to collaborate.
+Nicola Ken Barozzi has resigned from the Gump PMC.  We want to thank him for his past 
contributions and are happy that he still
+wants to keep in touch by retaining his committer status.
 Gump now can generate XHTML output directly without the need of a Forrest webapp 
(although still a supported option). This reduction in dependency is intended to ease 
Gump installation (and hence adoption) by new users.
 Gump has received some technical improvements recently. Gump was migrated from Python 
2.2 to Python 2.3 (and benefits from many new language features). Multithreading 
support for CVS|SVN downloads removed latency delays from Gump's total run time. MySQL 
integration (for historical results data) is currently underway.

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