David Crossley wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

first of all, I think forrest should really transfer control of their descriptor to the gump project.

Well, i said that we would sometime soon. I also said "not now because we have an imminent release of Forrest." Our attention is going there and we are in code freeze.

However if you want to take our descriptor into Gump CVS now,
then please do. We can catch up later and disentangle it from
our build process.

Stefano, thanks. I went to do this today and see that
you have already made a new projects/forrest.xml

It seems that Gump is still using the old descriptor in our SVN.
How do i get Gump to switch? The profile/gump.xml looks okay,
but the last time that it was built was two days ago using the
old descriptor.

that's weird. it shouldn't do that! how do you know it used the old descriptor?


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