Thanks Stefano,  I'll give that a try.


On Wednesday 27 October 2004 14:07, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> Gareth Webbley wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm relatively new to gump but have up until now been running the latest
> > version of gump from the svn repository.  One of the first things that
> > happens when Gump runs is that it gets the latest version of itself from
> > svn. A couple of nights ago the gump version went from 2.1.0-alpha-003 to
> > 2.2 at which point the build stopped working with the error message :-
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "", line 118, in ?
> >     main(sys.argv)
> >   File "", line 108, in main
> >     getattr(command, "process")(options,arguments)
> >   File "/src/external/cvs/gump/python/gump/commands/", line 41,
> > in process
> >     workspace = WorkspaceLoader(options.isCache()).load(ws)
> > AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'isCache'
> The 'trunk' (aka 2.2 today) is not ready to go and should be considered
> alpha.
> > I have since seen on the Wiki that there is a separate branch (gump-live)
> > which I have now checked out.
> This is the version that runs on brutus.
> > The version in here though is 2.02-alpha-0003.
> > Also I notice that the build run on Brutus is still using the
> > 2.1.0-alpha-0003 version.
> I think that's because you run it from instead of running it
> from cron/
> > How do I set up gump to run with the same version as Brutus and not
> > update itself during the build?
> checkout the "live" branch and run it from cron/
> sorry for the mess, I'm working to make things easier with a single (and
> hopefully well commented) entry point.

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