I've recently synced both the trunk and live branch of Gump (which are identical as of revision 56892) and have a problem running both of them. If I execute "python2.3 gump.py build" I get the following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "gump.py", line 118, in ?
  File "gump.py", line 108, in main
    getattr(command, "process")(options,arguments)
line 41, in process
    workspace = WorkspaceLoader(options.isCache()).load(ws)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'isCache'

I think it's a scope problem--gump.core.run.options is imported, but the process() method takes an argument named "options"--but I'm at a loss to explain why my version doesn't run and the Apache one does. Any takers?

Also, I notice that http://gump.apache.org/gettingstarted.html directs new users to check out the trunk (i.e. potentially unstable) version instead of the "live" branch. Would it be more appropriate to send them to "live" instead?

Peter J.
"Fighting a war is easy.  Destroying is easy.  Building a new world out of
 what's left of the old, that is what's hard."  -- J. Michael Straczynski
    Lenni Jabour and The Third Floor - <http://peterjanes.ca/LenniFan/>
                 Petroglyphs - <http://peterjanes.ca/blog/>
                     Sirens - <http://www.sirens3.com/>

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