On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Adam R. B. Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stats only get generated upon the nightly official run (they were
> costing too much cycles back when we needed to save what we
> could). I see the crontab for "normal runs" has an entry for 21:00,
> and that the last Gump run took almost 3 hours (which is an inner
> timing, so maybe not exactly @ OS level). Maybe there is a small
> overlap.

There definitively is an overloap.  I can usually watch the 21:00 run
when it is going to the last few builds and we've been over 3 hours
for the last couple of days.

> This shows a 3 minute overlap. I'll tweak the crontab to give the
> official run a better chance.



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