On 26-04-2005 02:10, "Adam R. B. Jack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Change config.py; configure the logging package by hand (I think that's
>> called "basicConfig()") instead of using a config file, and make it output
>> everything to the screen. We can fix it later, and there's no test to look
>> for the existence of log files so you're not breaking anything ;)
> Ok, got it. This "LogReporter" isn't "a reporter to a log" it is "a reporter
> of logs". Since my workspace/environment had no Ant script to run (and had
> done no CVS|SVN updates to get one), I had no properties ending with _log,
> and (apparently) no exceptions. As such, no reporter output data.

D'oh! Only now do I get what you were on about. Sorry 'bout that.

> I'd half like to see a "properties diff tool" that runs in between plugins,
> to see what is changed each time a plugin runs.  I could imaging plugins
> taking credit (say) for a property be updating a table. This is likely
> overkill for now though, and a dump (at the end) ought teach me what I need
> to know.

This sounds like something to take care of within a Walker. You could
perhaps write a custom Walker implementation (subclassing the original one)
that pickles the entire model a whole lot and then keeps comparing the
pickled stuff. It'd be sluggish as hell, but it probably isn't a whole lot
of code :-)

The other thing that pops into mind is overriding __setattr__ inside
ModelObject to log all calls.

Then there's the "trace" module (if its called that way) which is built
precisely for this kind of stuff. Doing things properly probably involves
that module.

OTOH, debug statements have also worked reasonably for ages. Simplest thing,
simplest thing ;)


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