Dear Gumpmeisters,
The following 9 notifys should have been sent

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module castor success, but with warnings.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module icu4j failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module xdoclet success, but with warnings.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module smartfrog success, but with warnings.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project nant (in module nant) failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project xml-apis (in module xml-commons) failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project xml-apis-12 (in module xml-apis-12) failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project xml-xerces1 (in module xml-xerces) failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project icu4j (in module icu4j) failed
*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module castor success, but with warnings.
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Module castor contains errors.
The current state of this module is 'Success'.

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -ERROR- *** Failed to update from source control. Stale contents ***

The following work was performed:
Work Name: update_castor (Type: Update)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 1 sec
Command Line: cvs -q -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/castor update -P -d 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/cvs/castor]
Unknown host

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #1.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module icu4j failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Module icu4j has an issue affecting its community integration,
 and has been outstanding for 35 runs.
The current state of this module is 'Failed', with reason 'Update Failed'.

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -INFO- Failed with reason update failed

The following work was performed:
Work Name: update_icu4j (Type: Update)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 2 secs
Command Line: cvs -q -z3 -d :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/icu checkout -P -d icu4j 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/cvs]
CHS Server
D25HTTP004 racky2u15
** WARNING Access Restricted **
Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #2.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module xdoclet success, but with warnings.
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Module xdoclet contains errors.
The current state of this module is 'Success'.

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -ERROR- *** Failed to update from source control. Stale contents ***

The following work was performed:
Work Name: update_xdoclet (Type: Update)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 3 mins 15 secs
Command Line: cvs -q -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/xdoclet update 
-P -d -A 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/cvs/xdoclet]
cvs [update aborted]: writing to server: Broken pipe

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #3.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Module smartfrog success, but with warnings.
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Module smartfrog contains errors.
The current state of this module is 'Success'.

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -ERROR- *** Failed to update from source control. Stale contents ***

The following work was performed:
Work Name: update_smartfrog (Type: Update)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 2 mins 48 secs
Command Line: cvs -q -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/smartfrog 
update -P -d -A 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/cvs/smartfrog]
cvs [update aborted]: writing to server: Broken pipe

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #4.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project nant (in module nant) failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project nant has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 1 projects,
 and has been outstanding for 202 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
    - nant :  NAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory it is kind of like...

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_nant_nant (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 2 secs
Command Line: make 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/nant]
mkdir -p bootstrap
cp -R lib/ bootstrap/lib
# Mono loads log4net before privatebinpath is set-up, so we need this in the 
same directory
# as NAnt.exe
cp lib/log4net.dll bootstrap
cp src/NAnt.Console/App.config bootstrap/NAnt.exe.config
mcs -target:exe -define:MONO -out:bootstrap/NAnt.exe -r:bootstrap/log4net.dll \
-recurse:src/NAnt.Console/*.cs src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
Compilation succeeded
resgen  src/NAnt.Core/Resources/Strings.resx bootstrap/Strings.resources
make: resgen: Command not found
make: *** [bootstrap/NAnt.Core.dll] Error 127

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #5.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project xml-apis (in module xml-commons) failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project xml-apis has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 638 projects.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
    - JacORB :  The free Java implementation of the OMG's CORBA standard.
    - JacORB-idllib :  The free Java implementation of the OMG's CORBA standard.
    - addressing :  WS-FX Project
    - anakia :  Essentially an XML transformation tool, Anakia uses JDOM and...
    - ant :  Java based build tool
    - ant-contrib :  Useful little Ant tasks
    - ant-contrib-cpptasks :  C/C++ compilation tasks for Ant
    - ant-contrib-cpptasks-test :  JUnit tests for the C/C++ compilation tasks
    - ant-contrib-test :  Useful little Ant tasks
    - ant-embed-optional :  Java based build tool
    - ant-testutil :  Java based build tool
    - ant-xdocs-proposal :  Java based build tool
    - aopalliance :  AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standards)
    - apache-ldapber-provider :  Apache Directory Project
    - apacheds-core :  Apache Directory Server
    - apacheds-main :  Apache Directory Server
    - apacheds-shared :  Apache Directory Server
    - apollo :  Apollo Project
    - apollo-jndi-config :  Apollo Project
    - asm :  A Java bytecode manipulation framework.
    - asn1-ber :  Apache ASN.1 Tools
    - asn1-codec :  Apache ASN.1 Tools
    - asn1-der :  Apache ASN.1 Tools
    - authx-core :  Apache Authentication and Authorization Framework
    - authx-example :  Apache Authentication and Authorization Framework
    - authx-jdbc :  Apache Authentication and Authorization Framework
    - authx-script :  Apache Authentication and Authorization Framework
    - avalon-activation-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-activation-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-central-site :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-composition-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-composition-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-composition-spi :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-console-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-console-commands :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-console-default :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-console-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-db-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-db-hsql :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-dbcp-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-dbcp-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-finder-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-finder-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-finder-test :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-framework-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-framework-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-framework-legacy :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-context :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-demo :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-examples :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-hash-basic :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-hash-clientcert :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-hash-digest :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-hash-form :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-server :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-servlet :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-spi :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-static :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-test :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-http-util :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jms-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jms-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jms-test :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jmx-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jmx-handler :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jmx-mx4j :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jmx-spi :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jmx-test :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-jmx-util :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-log4j :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-logkit-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-logkit-datagram :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-logkit-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-logkit-socket :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-logkit-syslog :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-spi :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logging-test :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-logkit :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-merlin-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-merlin-cli :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-merlin-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-merlin-unit :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-meta-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-meta-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-meta-plugin :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-meta-spi :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-meta-tools :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-planet-facilities :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-repository-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-repository-cli :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-repository-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-repository-main :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-repository-spi :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-repository-test :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-repository-util :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-runtime :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-components :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-dynamics :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-includes :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-playground :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-testa :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-testb :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-testc :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-testcyclic :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-testd :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-test-teste :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tools-magic :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-application-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-config-block :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-config-defaults :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-config-injection :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-config-override :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-context-alias :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-context-avalon :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-context-casting :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-context-custom :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-context-injection :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-context-plus :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-context-strategy :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-dependency-auto :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-dependency-manual :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-dynamics :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-hello :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-lifecycle-classic :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-lifecycle-modern :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-location-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-location-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-main :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-parameters :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-profiles :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-publisher-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-publisher-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-selection :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-tutorial-webserver :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-configuration :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-criteria :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-defaults :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-env :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-exception :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-extension-api :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-extension-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-i18n :  Avalon SVN
    - avalon-util-lifecycle :  Avalon SVN
    - bcel :  Byte Code Engineering Library
    - beaver :  LALR(1) parser generator.
    - beepcore :  BEEP is a new Internet standards-track protocol
    - bsh
    - castor :  Java to XML, SQL, LDAP bindings
    - checkstyle :  Java style checker
    - checkstyle-test :  Java style checker
    - cocoon :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-asciiart :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-authentication-fw :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-axis :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-batik :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-bsf :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-chaperon :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-cron :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-databases :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-deli :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-eventcache :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-fop :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-hsqldb :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-html :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-itext :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-javaflow :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-jfor :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-jms :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-jsp :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-linkrewriter :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-lucene :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-midi :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-naming :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-paranoid :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-poi :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-profiler :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-proxy :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-python :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-qdox :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-repository :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-serializers :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-session-fw :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-slide :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-slop :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-stx :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-taglib :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-template :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-velocity :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-web3 :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-webdav :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-xmldb :  Java XML Framework
    - cocoon-block-xsp :  Java XML Framework
    - commons-attributes :  Commons Attributes
    - commons-beanutils :  Bean Utilities (Core)
    - commons-beanutils-bean-collections :  Bean Utilities (Bean Collections)
    - commons-beanutils-core :  Jakarta commons
    - commons-betwixt :  Commons Betwixt Package
    - commons-chain :  GoF "Chain of Responsibility" pattern
    - commons-cli :  Commons CLI Package
    - commons-codec :  Commons Encoding/Decoding Package
    - commons-collections :  Collections
    - commons-collections-testframework :  Jakarta commons
    - commons-compress :  Commons Compression Package
    - commons-configuration :  Jakarta commons
    - commons-configuration-10 :  Jakarta Commons Configuration 1.0 release
    - commons-daemon :  Commons Daemon
    - commons-dbcp :  Database Connection Pool
    - commons-digester :  XML to Java Object Configuration
    - commons-digester-rss :  Digester RSS Example
    - commons-discovery :  Commons Discovery Package
    - commons-el :  Expression Language
    - commons-email :  Commons Email Package
    - commons-feedparser :  Generic FeedParser interface and concrete
    - commons-fileupload :  Commons File Upload Package
    - commons-functor :  Functor: Function Objects
    - commons-graph :  Jakarta commons sandbox
    - commons-http :  Commons HTTP Utility Package
    - commons-httpclient :  HTTP Client Library
    - commons-httpclient-2.0-branch :  HTTP Client Library
    - commons-id :  Commons Identifier Package
    - commons-io :  Commons I/O Utility Package
    - commons-jelly :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-ant :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-antlr :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-avalon :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-bean :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-beanshell :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-betwixt :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-bsf :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-define :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-dynabean :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-email :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-fmt :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-html :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-http :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-interaction :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jaxme :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jetty :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jface :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jms :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jmx :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jsl :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-junit :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-log :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-memory :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-ojb :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-quartz :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-regexp :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-soap :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-sql :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-swing :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-swt :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-threads :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-util :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-validate :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-velocity :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-xml :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-xmlunit :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jexl :  Commons Jexl Package
    - commons-jjar :  Jakarta Jar Archive Repository
    - commons-jux :  JUX: JUnit Extensions
    - commons-jxpath :  XPath traversal of JavaBeans
    - commons-lang :  utilities for the classes that are in java.lang's 
    - commons-latka :  Functional Testing Suite
    - commons-launcher :  Jakarta commons
    - commons-logging :  Logging Library Package
    - commons-math :  The Jakarta Mathematics Library
    - commons-messenger :  A web based JMS framework
    - commons-modeler :  Modeler MBeans
    - commons-net :  Commons Net
    - commons-pool :  Object Pooling
    - commons-primitives :  Provides a collection of types and utilities 
optimized for w...
    - commons-resources :  Commons resources
    - commons-services :  Basic Services Architecture
    - commons-sql :  Basic Services Architecture
    - commons-test :  Commons Test Package
    - commons-threading :  Commons Threading Utility Package
    - commons-transaction :  Commons Identifier Package
    - commons-validator :  Validation Framework
    - commons-vfs :  Jakarta commons sandbox
    - commons-xmlio :  XML Im-/Exporter is a low level library to assist you in 
    - cornerstone-connection-api :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-connection-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-datasources-api :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-datasources-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-scheduler-api :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-scheduler-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-sockets-api :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-sockets-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-store-api :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-store-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-threads-api :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-threads-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - cornerstone-threads-tutorial :  Avalon SVN
    - db-commons-grafolia :  Reusable library components for database oriented 
    - db-ojb :  ObjectRelationalBridge
    - db-ojb-from-packages :  ObjectRelationalBridge
    - db-torque :  Persistence Layer
    - db-torque-gen :  Persistence Layer
    - derby :  Apache Derby, 100% Java relational database.
    - derby-split-1 :  Apache Derby, 100% Java relational database.
    - derby-split-2 :  Apache Derby, 100% Java relational database.
    - derby-split-3 :  Apache Derby, 100% Java relational database.
    - derby-split-4 :  Apache Derby, 100% Java relational database.
    - derby-split-5 :  Apache Derby, 100% Java relational database.
    - derby-split-6 :  Apache Derby, 100% Java relational database.
    - dist-ant :  Java based build tool
    - dist-xalan2 :  Release 2.x of the Xalan-Java XSLT processor
    - dist-xerces :  Java XML Parser - the sequel with no equal
    - dist-xerces1 :  Java XML Parser
    - dom1 :  DOM Level 1 test suites
    - dom2 :  DOM Level 2 test suites
    - dom3-core :  DOM Level 3 Core test suites
    - dom3-events :  DOM Level 3 Events test suites
    - dom3-ls :  DOM Level 3 Load/Save test suites
    - dom3-val :  DOM Level 3 Validation test suites
    - dom3-xpath :  DOM Level 3 XPath test suites
    - dom4j :  The flexible XML framework for Java
    - dom4j-tests :  The flexible XML framework for Java
    - dumbster :  The Dumbster is a very simple fake SMTP server designed for 
    - dumbster-world :  The Dumbster is a very simple fake SMTP server designed 
for ...
    - excalibur-component :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-datasource :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-event :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-event-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-event-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-bean :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-container-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-container-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-container-test :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-meta :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-client :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-mgr-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-mgr-http :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-mgr-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-lifecycle-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-lifecycle-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-logger :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-monitor :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-pool :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-pool-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-pool-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-pool-instrumented :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-sourceresolve :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-store :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-testcase :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread-instrumented :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-xmlutil :  Repository of reusable components.
    - eyebrowse :  Web-based mail archive browsing
    - forrest :  Apache Forrest is an XML standards-oriented documentation fr...
    - forrest-forrestbar :  Apache Forrest is an XML standards-oriented 
documentation fr...
    - forrest-test :  Apache Forrest is an XML standards-oriented documentation 
    - forrest-whiteboard-forrestdoc :  Apache Forrest is an XML 
standards-oriented documentation fr...
    - forrest-whiteboard-forrestdoc-autotest :  Apache Forrest is an XML 
standards-oriented documentation fr...
    - fulcrum-bsf :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-cache :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-configuration-impl :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-crypto :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-dvsl :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-factory :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-hsqldb :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-intake :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-localization :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-mimetype :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-naming :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-osworkflow :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-parser :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-pool :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-quartz :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-security-adapter-turbine :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-security-api :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-security-memory :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-security-nt :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-template :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-testcontainer :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-upload :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-xmlrpc :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-xslt :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-yaafi :  Services Framework
    - geronimo :  Apache Geronimo, the J2EE server project of the Apache 
    - groovy :  New agile dynamic language using a Java-like syntax for the ...
    - hsqldb :  hsql Database Engine
    - httpunit :  framework for unit testing web sites
    - invicta :  Open-source build management tool.
    - jakarta-ant :  Java based build tool
    - jakarta-bsf :  Bean Scripting Framework
    - jakarta-cactus-documentation :  Cactus Documentation
    - jakarta-cactus-framework-12 :  Cactus Framework (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-cactus-framework-13 :  Cactus Framework (J2EE 1.3)
    - jakarta-cactus-integration-ant-12 :  Cactus Ant Integration (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-cactus-integration-ant-13 :  Cactus Ant Integration (J2EE 1.3)
    - jakarta-cactus-release-12 :  Unit test framework for server-side java code
    - jakarta-cactus-release-13 :  Unit test framework for server-side java code
    - jakarta-cactus-sample-jetty-13 :  Cactus Jetty Sample (J2EE 1.3)
    - jakarta-cactus-sample-servlet-12 :  Cactus Servlet Sample (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-cactus-sample-servlet-13 :  Cactus Servlet Sample (J2EE 1.3)
    - jakarta-ecs :  Element Construction Set
    - jakarta-hivemind :  HiveMind is a services and configuration
    - jakarta-hivemind-compile :  HiveMind is a services and configuration
    - jakarta-hivemind-library :  HiveMind is a services and configuration
    - jakarta-jetspeed :  Enterprise Information Portal
    - jakarta-jmeter :  Pure Java load testing and performance measurement tool.
    - jakarta-jmeter-20-cvs :  Pure Java load testing and performance 
measurement tool.
    - jakarta-jmeter-20-test :  Pure Java load testing and performance 
measurement tool.
    - jakarta-jmeter-cvs :  Pure Java load testing and performance measurement 
    - jakarta-jmeter-docs :  Pure Java load testing and performance measurement 
    - jakarta-jmeter-javadoc :  Pure Java load testing and performance 
measurement tool.
    - jakarta-jmeter-test :  Pure Java load testing and performance measurement 
    - jakarta-log4j :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - jakarta-lucene :  Java Based Search Engine
    - jakarta-oro :  Java Regular Expression package
    - jakarta-pluto :  JSR168 Container
    - jakarta-poi :  POI
    - jakarta-poi-3 :  POI
    - jakarta-regexp :  Java Regular Expression package
    - jakarta-regexp-package :  Java Regular Expression package
    - jakarta-servletapi :  Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 API
    - jakarta-servletapi-4 :  Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 API
    - jakarta-servletapi-5-jsp :  JSR 152
    - jakarta-servletapi-5-servlet :  JSR 154
    - jakarta-site2 :  The Jakarta site
    - jakarta-slide :  Content Management System based on WebDAV technology
    - jakarta-taglibs-application :  Application Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-benchmark :  Benchmark Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-bsf :  BSF Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-cache :  Cache Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-datetime :  DateTime Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-dbtags :  DBTags Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-documentation :  JSP Taglibs
    - jakarta-taglibs-i18n :  I18N Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-input :  Input Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-io :  IO Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-jmstags :  JMS Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-jndi :  JNDI Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-log :  Log Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-mailer :  Mailer Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-page :  Page Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-random :  Random Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-regexp :  Regexp Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-request :  Request Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-response :  Response Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-scrape :  Scrape Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-session :  Session Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-standard :  Standard Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-string :  String Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-ultradev4 :  UltraDev 4.0 Customer Tag Library Extension
    - jakarta-taglibs-utility :  Utility Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-xtags :  XTags Taglib
    - jakarta-tapestry :  Component-based web application framework organized 
around i...
    - jakarta-tomcat :  Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 Reference Implementation
    - jakarta-tomcat-4.0 :  Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 Reference Implementation
    - jakarta-tomcat-5 :  Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 Reference Implementation
    - jakarta-tomcat-catalina :  Servlet 2.4 Reference Implementation
    - jakarta-tomcat-coyote :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-coyote-tomcat3 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-coyote-tomcat4 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-coyote_10 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-dbcp :  Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 Reference Implementation
    - jakarta-tomcat-http11 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-jasper_tc5 :  JavaServer Pages JSP 2.0 implementation (for 
Tomcat 5.x)
    - jakarta-tomcat-jk :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-jk-ant :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-jni :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-util :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-util-coyote_10 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tools :  Common tools
    - jakarta-turbine-2 :  A servlet based framework.
    - jakarta-turbine-3 :  A servlet based framework.
    - jakarta-turbine-jcs :  Cache
    - jakarta-velocity :  Template engine
    - jakarta-velocity-dvsl :  Template engine
    - jakarta-velocity-test :  Template engine
    - jakarta-velocity-tools :  Velocity-Tools project
    - jakarta-watchdog :  Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 Validation Tests
    - james-server :  James Server
    - java-service-wrapper :  Java Service Wrapper
    - javagroups :  A Reliable Multicast Communication Toolkit for Java
    - javassist :  Bytecode enhancement and AOP framework
    - jaxen :  Universal Java XPath Engine
    - jaxen-from-packaged-dom4j :  Universal Java XPath Engine
    - jaxen-test :  Universal Java XPath Engine
    - jdbm :  Lightweight embeddable DB engine.
    - jdom :  Java XML API
    - jetty :  Java HTTP Servlet Server
    - jetty-plus :  Java HTTP Servlet Server
    - jfor :  Java xsl-FO to Rtf converter
    - jgroups :  A Reliable Multicast Communication Toolkit for Java
    - jline
    - jline-full
    - jstl-jsp-12 :  Standard Taglib for JSP 1.2
    - jtidy-cvs :  HTML Templates
    - junit :  Unit test framework
    - junit-addons :  Various JUnit addons and helper classes.
    - jython :  Java Python
    - kerberos-common :  Apache Directory Project
    - kerberos-protocol :  Apache Kerberos Server
    - ldap-common :  Apache Directory Project
    - ldap-protocol :  Apache Directory Server
    - ldap-snacc-provider :  Apache Directory Project
    - logging-log4cxx-ant :  Apache log4cxx
    - logging-log4cxx-ant-no_wchar_t :  Apache log4cxx
    - logging-log4cxx-ant-static :  Apache log4cxx
    - logging-log4j :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - logging-log4j-12 :  Fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - logging-log4j-chainsaw :  Chainsaw log viewer
    - logging-log4j-db :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - logging-log4j-jms :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - logging-log4j-optional :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for 
    - logging-log4j-oro :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - logging-log4j-smtp :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - logging-log4j-tests :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for 
    - logging-log4j-xml :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - logging-ugli :  Reliable, fast and flexible logging package for Java
    - lucene-java :  Java Based Search Engine
    - magic :  Avalon Tools.
    - magic-checkstyle-plugin :  Avalon SVN
    - magic-installer :  Avalon SVN
    - magic-xdoc-plugin :  Avalon SVN
    - maven :  Project Management Tools
    - maven-bootstrap :  Project Management Tools
    - maven-directory-plugin :  Apache Directory Server
    - merlin-unit :  Avalon SVN
    - metro-reflector-api :  Avalon SVN
    - metro-reflector-blocks-complete :  Avalon SVN
    - metro-reflector-blocks-standard :  Avalon SVN
    - metro-reflector-impl :  Avalon SVN
    - metro-reflector-spi :  Avalon SVN
    - metro-reflector-typehandlers :  Avalon SVN
    - mina :  A Multipurpose Infrastrusture for Network Applications
    - msv :  Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator
    - muse :  Muse Project
    - mx4j :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - mx4j-tools :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - mx4j-tools-from-packaged-jetty :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - myfaces :  JavaServer(tm) Faces implementation
    - naming-config :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-core :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-factory :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-java :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-management :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-resources :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - opensaml :  OpenSAML 1.0.1 is a set of open source Java and C++ 
    - quartz :  Job Scheduler
    - rhino :  JavaScript for Java
    - rhino-cocoondev :  JavaScript for Java + continuations
    - scarab :  Issue Tracking Built for the Ages
    - slide-webdavclient :  Content Management System based on WebDAV technology
    - smartfrog :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-components :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP 
    - smartfrog-tasks :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-tasks-test :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP 
    - smartfrog-test :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-testharness :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP 
    - struts-core :  Model 2 Model-View-Controller framework for Servlets and 
    - struts-sslext :  The Struts SSL Extension for HTTP/HTTPS switching
    - struts-taglib :  Model 2 Model-View-Controller framework for Servlets and 
    - struts-taglib-from-packages :  Model 2 Model-View-Controller framework 
for Servlets and JSP
    - struts-tiles :  Model 2 Model-View-Controller framework for Servlets and 
    - strutstestcase :  An extension of the standard JUnit TestCase class that 
    - stub-compiler :  Apache ASN.1 Tools
    - test-ant :  Java based build tool
    - test-ant-no-xerces :  Java based build tool
    - test-ojb :  ObjectRelationalBridge
    - tl-netty2 :  Event-driven Network Application Framework
    - tomcat-catalina :  Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 Reference Implementation
    - town :  An extension of a Villiage
    - txt2html-task :  JSRs 152 and 154
    - uddi4j :  UDDI client
    - village :  Database API
    - which4j :  which4j is utility that searches your system classpath for t...
    - ws-axis :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - ws-axis-test :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - ws-jaxme :  Open Source implementation of JAXB
    - ws-juddi :  ws-juddi -- UDDI Toolkit/Repository
    - ws-juddi-test :  ws-juddi -- UDDI Toolkit/Repository
    - ws-soap :  Simple Object Access Protocol
    - ws-wsif :  Web Services Invocation Framework
    - ws-wsil :  Web Services Inspection Language
    - ws-wsrp4j :  Open Source implementation of OASIS WSRP
    - wsa-xbeans :  Apollo Project
    - wsdl4j :  JSR 110
    - wsfx-axis-types :  Muse Project
    - wsfx-xmlbeans :  Muse Project
    - wsrf-xbeans :  Apollo Project
    - wss4j :  WS-FX Project
    - xalan :  Release 2.x of the Xalan-Java XSLT processor
    - xdoclet :  Enhanced Doclet engine.
    - xdoclet-apache-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    apache modul...
    - xdoclet-bea-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    bea module
    - xdoclet-compile-core :  Intermediate target that compiles xdoclet's core
    - xdoclet-ejb-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    ejb module
    - xdoclet-hibernate-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    hibernate mo...
    - xdoclet-jdo-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    jdo module
    - xdoclet-libelis-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    libelis modu...
    - xdoclet-objectweb-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    objectweb mo...
    - xdoclet-oracle-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    oracle modul...
    - xdoclet-orion-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    orion module
    - xdoclet-tjdo-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    tjdo module
    - xdoclet-web-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    web module
    - xdoclet-xdoclet-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    xdoclet modu...
    - xjavadoc :  Enhanced Doclet engine.
    - xml-apis :  XML commons($Revision: 1.24 $) externally defined standards 
    - xml-axis :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - xml-axis-wsif :  Web Services Invocation Framework
    - xml-axis-wsil :  Web Services Inspection Language
    - xml-batik :  Scalable Vector Graphics
    - xml-batik-rasterizer :  Scalable Vector Graphics
    - xml-commons-resolver :  XML commons($Revision: 1.24 $) externally defined 
standards ...
    - xml-commons-which :  XML commons($Revision: 1.24 $) externally defined 
standards ...
    - xml-fop :  XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) processor
    - xml-fop-maintenance :  XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) processor (Maintenance 
    - xml-resolver :  Catalog based entity and URI resolution
    - xml-security :  XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
    - xml-security-tests :  XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
    - xml-soap :  Simple Object Access Protocol
    - xml-stylebook2 :  Style book
    - xml-xalan2 :  Release 2.x of the Xalan-Java XSLT processor
    - xml-xalan2-smoketest :  Automated smoketests for Xalan-J 2.x
    - xml-xalan2-smoketest-tools :  Independent testing harness 
    - xml-xerces :  Java XML Parser - the sequel with no equal
    - xml-xercesImpl :  Java XML Parser - the sequel with no equal
    - xml-xindice :  native XML database
    - xml-xmlbeans-v1 :  XML Beans Object <-> Java Binding Tool
    - xmlrpc :  A Java implementation of XML-RPC
    - xmlunit :  JUnit extension for XML unit tests.
    - xom :  XOM is a new XML object model.
    - xpp :  XML Pull Parser
    - xpp3 :  XML Pull Parser
    - xsdlib :  Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator
    - xsltc :  Release 2.x of the Xalan-Java XSLT processor

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- Sole output [xml-apis.jar] identifier set to project name
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed
 -DEBUG- Extracted fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_xml-commons_xml-apis (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/xml-commons/java/external]
while resolving class:

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #6.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project xml-apis-12 (in module xml-apis-12) failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project xml-apis-12 has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 1 projects.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
    - xml-apis-12 :  DOM,SAX,JAXP; plus xml utilities, JAXP 1.2.0

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- Sole output [xml-apis.jar] identifier set to project name
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed
 -DEBUG- Extracted fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_xml-apis-12_xml-apis-12 (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/xml-apis-12]
while resolving class:

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #7.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project xml-xerces1 (in module xml-xerces) failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project xml-xerces1 has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 1 projects.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Failed'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
    - xml-xerces1 :  Java XML Parser

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -INFO- Failed with reason build failed
 -DEBUG- Extracted fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_xml-xerces_xml-xerces1 (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true 
-Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/xml-xerces/java]
while resolving class:

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #8.

*********************************************************** G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Project icu4j (in module icu4j) failed
To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project icu4j has an issue affecting its community integration,
 and has been outstanding for 35 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Update Failed'.

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- Sole output [icu4j.jar] identifier set to project name
 -INFO- Failed with reason update failed
 -DEBUG- Extracted fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

To subscribe to this information via syndicated feeds:
- RSS:
- Atom:

============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 30000026042005, brutus:brutus-public:30000026042005
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #10.

Apache Gump [Instance: brutus]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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