[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ crontab -l | grep java | grep usr
# Watch for /usr/bin/java
3,18,33,48 * * * * /home/gump/check-for-usr-bin-java.sh

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ cat check-for-usr-bin-java.sh

if [[ -f /usr/bin/java ]]; then
echo "
It seems there's a /usr/bin/java on brutus.apache.org right now.
That's a problem since gump will use it instead of what it finds
in JAVA_HOME/bin.

Please get rid of it.


- some automated crontab-activated script living in /home/gump
on brutus.
" | mail -s "Please remove /usr/bin/java" general@gump.apache.org

That should do it :-D. If this gets messed up again we'll start receiving 4
e-mails per hour. So don't mess it up ;)


On 26-04-2005 10:27, "Stefan Bodewig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> and thus failed.
> The problem must have been some apt-get installation that added a
> symlink to gij into /usr/bin/java.  Obviously Gump still doesn't use
> I'll remove the symlinks for now.
> If you update/upgrade any packages on Brutus, please make sure there
> is no /usr/bin/java after that.  I've been bitten by it at least twice
> myself.  I also had to uninstall Kaffe at least twice (we build it
> from source, no need for apt-get) with no idea why it got reinstalled
> in between.
> Stefan
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