This just popped into my head. Naïve line-based schedule file using simple
commands together with cron could be real nice.

Creating schedules
We should have something like

  gump schedule-run --profile=public --official
  gump schedule-run --profile=public
  gump schedule-run --profile=kaffe

Which writes a file $GUMP_HOME/schedule looking like this

  gump run --profile=public --official
  gump run --profile=public
  gump run --profile=kaffe

The code would be along the lines of

   local schedulefile="$GUMP_HOME/schedule"
   echo gump run $* >> $schedulefile

You would also want to schedule runs immediately

 gump schedule-run-first --profile=custom --debug

Which would be something like

   local schedulefile="$GUMP_HOME/schedule"
   echo gump run $* >> $
   cat $schedulefile >> $
   rm $schedulefile
   mv $ $schedulefile

And of course there's more options like

   local pidfile="$GUMP_HOME/pygump/"
   if [[ ! -f "$pidfile" ]]; then

The next bit is to have calls to those "schedule-run" commands in the

# the next run after midnight will be the "official" one
0 0 * * * . /home/gump/.bash_profile; gump schedule-run-first \
  --profile=public --official
0 6 * * * . /home/gump/.bash_profile; gump schedule-run \
0 12 * * * . /home/gump/.bash_profile; gump schedule-run \
0 3,9,15,18 * * * . /home/gump/.bash_profile; gump schedule-run-when-idle \

Keeping schedules
And then have something like

  gump try-to-invoke-run

Which checks to see if gump is running, and if not, takes a line from
$GUMP_HOME/schedule and executes it. Along the lines of

  local pidfile="$GUMP_HOME/pygump/"
  if [[ ! -f "$pidfile" ]]; then

And we run that real often from the crontab:

60/12 * * * * . /home/gump/.bash_profile; gump try-to-invoke-run

This would ensure gump would be running just about continuously, but you
could also easily interrupt using

 gump kill
 gump schedule-run-first --profile=custom --debug

To manually change the schedule if you wanted to try something.

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