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The following page has been changed by StefanBodewig:

The comment on the change is:
when will I start to remember Wiki formatting rules?

- * we've moved off of Brutus and now spread over three (virtual) machines. is a VMWare instance on Loki(?), a 
Solaris zone on helios and a MacOS X server of the Oregon State 
University that we can use . Many Thanks!
+     * we've moved off of Brutus and now spread over three (virtual) machines. is a VMWare instance on Loki(?), a 
Solaris zone on helios and a MacOS X server of the Oregon State 
University that we can use . Many Thanks!
- * vmgump will become our primary machine for now, we are slowly progressing 
to the state of stability we had on brutus.
+     * vmgump will become our primary machine for now, we are slowly 
progressing to the state of stability we had on brutus.
- * please fill in some details on Gump3.
+     * please fill in some details on Gump3.
- * Nick Chalko has taken a leave of absence from the PMC, we hope to get him 
back next year.
+     * Nick Chalko has taken a leave of absence from the PMC, we hope to get 
him back next year.
- * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in CVS.
+     * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in CVS.
- * no releases 
+     * no releases 
- * please fill in some details on SummerOfCode
+     * please fill in some details on SummerOfCode

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