There is a problem with run 'gumpzones-kaffe' (24072005_210001), location :
The log ought be at:
The last (up to) 50 lines of the log are :
  File "/export/opt/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 66, 
in Connect
    return Connection(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/export/opt/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 
134, in __init__
    super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs2)
OperationalError: (1044, "Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to 
database 'gump_kaffe'")
*New* Statistics Database:/export/home/gump/kaffe/gump/work/stats.db
Not doing notifications [True,False]
Prepare XDoc work with template
Wipe Directory [u'/export/home/gump/kaffe/workspace/xdocs-work']
Syndicate run using [< instance at 
Syndicate run using [< instance at 
Perform Update on #[(3, 251)] : xml-xalan
Perform Update on #[(1, 251)] : jaxp-13
Perform Update on #[(2, 251)] : xml-xerces2
Perform Update on #[(4, 251)] : antlr
Perform Update on #[(5, 251)] : jms
Build Project: #[(1, 842)] : jaxp :  [state:Unset]
Perform Update on #[(6, 251)] : javamail
Perform Update on #[(7, 251)] : javacc
Perform Update on #[(8, 251)] : jdbc
Perform Update on #[(9, 251)] : packaged-jaxen
Perform Update on #[(10, 251)] : jsch
Perform Update on #[(11, 251)] : dougLea
Perform Update on #[(12, 251)] : picocontainer
Perform Update on #[(13, 251)] : java-xml-pack
Perform Update on #[(14, 251)] : jsse
Perform Update on #[(15, 251)] : jce
Perform Update on #[(16, 251)] : jakarta-velocity
Perform SVN Update on #[(16, 251)] : jakarta-velocity
Perform Update on #[(17, 251)] : xdoclet
Perform Update on #[(18, 251)] : xjavadoc
Perform Update on #[(19, 251)] : ejb
Perform Update on #[(20, 251)] : mockobjects
Perform Update on #[(21, 251)] : xpp
Perform Update on #[(22, 251)] : relaxng
Perform Update on #[(23, 251)] : junitperf
Perform Update on #[(24, 251)] : xml-xindice
Perform SVN Update on #[(24, 251)] : xml-xindice
Perform Update on #[(25, 251)] : apr
Perform SVN Update on #[(25, 251)] : apr
Perform Update on #[(26, 251)] : snacc4j
Perform Update on #[(27, 251)] : aspectj
Perform Update on #[(28, 251)] : maven-javaapp-plugin
Perform Update on #[(29, 251)] : commonj
Perform Update on #[(30, 251)] : caucho-libs
Perform Update on #[(31, 251)] : asm
Perform Update on #[(32, 251)] : cocoon
Perform SVN Update on #[(32, 251)] : cocoon
Process Exit Code : 139
Gump Version: 2.0.2-alpha-0003

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