Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>> Thomas wrote:
>>> Hi !
>>> I have now uploaded a working compy of the Gump3 pressentation. The
>>> webapplication is far from done. But it would be nice with some
>>> feedback. The code is a bit of a mess so refactoring is indeed needed.
>>> Mostly I would like idees on what functionality you would like to se in
>>> the application.
>>> Also a comment on the documentation/installation manual would be nice.
>>> My spelling isn't that good so, be nice ;) but don't keep quite either.
>>> (need to learn)
>>> So if you have the time please take a look.
>> I'm on it.
>> A few comments:
>>  1) thanks for keeping the dynagump resources!
>>  2) I never used struts but seems easy to learn by example, which is
>> good for this (and probably much easier than cocoon for newbies)
>>  3) I never ran a JSP on this machine (macosx) and I'm experiencing
>> all sort of defective behaviors in jetty due to the jsp compiler
>> trying to open a jni library as a zip file (???)

>>  4) the web application should *never* start with a directory
>> listing, the index.jsp page should be in the root not in a folder
>> that you have to guess where to go
All java source files is in WEB-INF src and all the jsp,html,css and
other sourcefiles for the webpages is in the map pages.

>>  5) the tar.gz package should be a war and should contain the classes
>> compiled into /WEB-INF/classes so that you can deploy-and-forget (or
>> at least just change the JDBC parameters)
If you unpack the tar.gz file and run the ant build file
package-build.xml. The source will be compiled and a war-archive created.
The structure of the war-archive should be:
 |- index.jsp
 |     |- MANIFEST.MF
 |- WEB-INF/
 |     |- /* Config files for struts .xml and .tld */
 |     |- error/
 |     |     |- /* error page can not be accessed manualy*/
 |     |- classes/
 |     |     |- /* all the classes and packages */
 |     |- lib/
 |     |     |-/* all the jar files */
 |     |- results/
 |            |- /* jsp pages for results that canot be accessed manualy*/
 |- resources/
 |     |- /* resources for the application such as css, pictures etc. */
 |- results/
 |     |- /* jsp pages for results that can be accessed manualy */

All pages Jsp pages that are in WEB-INF can't be accessed directly. To
get to them you have to go through a Action servlet. There for I have
put all the pages that needs some data (processed by an action class) in
that folder or subfolders to WEB-INF.

>>  6) the SQL data seems weird, but this is probably not your fault
The SQL is not my strongest side. The idee is to use hibernate insted
but since I hade some problems you can use either Hibernate or a pure
jdbc connection against the database. Both are included. Althought to
change from one to another check the file DBHandler and just change a
text string. For mysql just use "MySQL" and for hibernate "Hibernate".

>>  7) java 1.5 is, IMNSHO, a little too bleeding edge (especially on a
>> mac) and eclipse gives all sort of warnings. Not having used generics
>> yet, I still have no clue of what they mean and how serious they are.
>> You might want to look into that, though, code should not have warnings.
All the wrnings comes from implementing hibenate. I haven't figured out
how to write the code for hibernate with generics. It dosen't cause any
troubles since I type cast it insted like you do in 1.4. I can change it
back. The only thing that separetes my 1.5 code from a 1.4 code is the

>>  8) I have not looked into the code yet, as I still can't run JSP
>> pages, but I will as soon as I can.
>>  9) there should be a /legal folder that contains all the licenses of
>> the libraries
This is a good point :).

>>  10) and would also be nice to have a file that depicts the
>> dependencies between the libraries (so that we could have gump
>> building dynagump)
>>  11) you say the mysql jdbc driver is in /lib but it's not (or at
>> least, not as a standalone jar)... but I suggest we keep it out since
>> it's GPL stuff.
>> In any case, it looks like a very good job from where I stand. Will
>> know more as soon as I can get it running ;-)
> Seem that Java 1.5 was indeed a bad idea.
> Thomas, how much work would be to downgrade this to 1.4?
It shouldn't be any problems since I use Eclipse and all I have to do is
change a setting for Eclips to mark all the errors and warnings for 1.4
code insted of 1.5. Sure it will take a while but we talk hours not days.

Thanks for you feedback and idees now I have something to work with :).
Regarding Jetty I haven't used that application server but I know it's
smal and simple. To test Gump3 Presentation I have used JBoss. But I'll
test it with Jetty.
Also I know that the documentation isn't much and might have a lot of
fault. But I'm working on that.

I'll start downgrading it 1.4


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